George Tarleton

It turns out that the Patriots released their financials as well, but didn't account for inflation.

I agree completely, and I don’t think the example is Apples and Oranges at all. The fact of the matter is, he posted an article that put the entire company, and everyone’s jobs at risk. Either from being sued anew from the article, or it can be used as a precedent in the Hogan trial. Editors have a job of supervising

must be his finishing move

Oh, don’t mistake what I’m saying overall. Grantland is suffering without Bill Simmons. 100%. I’m just saying the mixed reviews of Connelly could be from seasoned writers who are used to working for differing management types vs kids on their first jobs who have never worked for anyone other than their “friend”.

You realize it’s possible to be strongly anti-Gamergate and also strongly against Gawker outing a private citizen for fun and profit, right? Especially since said private citizen works for a Gawker competitor, and said outing aids and abets the work of a felony blackmailer?

Note: While there is a slight difference between this piece and the Gawker piece - in that the man being written about here did not contact Jezebel first to extort anyone, and he has [allegedly lololol] been doing illegal things, there is still SO MUCH HYPOCRISY here, and especially from you, Natasha, that all of the

We've seen your Twitter Natasha. You have no issues protecting people who sexually prey on others.

Kindly go fuck yourself Natasha. You are as much of a shit stain as the asshole you are writing about.

Shouldn't you be helping Roy blackmail the women?

Are any of the victimized women closeted homosexuals? Please follow your usual policy and provide a list.

Why not post their names? I mean if it’s true, then publish, right?

show us the videos! in the interest of newsworthiness!

Jezebel spoke to two of the women who were secretly filmed by Roy; we are protecting their identities while they pursue legal action.

The irony of this post is amazing.

I am just going to assume you start everything you ever say with “As someone who’s about a scratch golfer...”

Tiger’s inner monologue:

Great read and, having watched the fight, I agree completely. For me the craziest parts in the aftermath were the way White proclaimed with inspiration how Rory didn’t even know what year it was and how some fans were making mock memes and gifs about Rory turtling up.

Watched whole video.

The first time I hit a homerun in Little League, my mom ran down from the stands and got in line with the rest of my team at home plate to give me a high-five. I was like 11 at the time and mortified, but now I love that story and memory.

What is it with dancing parents? Am I going to become a terrible dancer when I have kids, too?