George Tarleton

Fist of all, it's off the mark to compare an NFL with interviewing for a position in a commercial business.

He is saying he should have the opportunity to play but ... just not from me.

And what does any of that have to do with his son's suicide?


You're right, he wasn't honest enough to say it directly. Bigots today have to do that to stay on TV.

None of my above comment made that assumption necessary. Young gay people from families who don't accept them have a hell of a hard time, and sometimes end up dead because of it. Dungy is absolutely perpetuating the mindset that gay people shouldn't be included in normal society unless closeted.

Maybe, but at least he's not the one rationalizing discrimination with mealy-mouthed references to "distractions."

It's not a 1:1 comparison, but the reality is that Dungy has first-hand experience having to struggle against discrimination that would have denied him a job not based on talent, but on who he was. He should know better, but he's a dick, so he doesn't.

Olbermann never misses an opportunity for attention-whoring.

the first black athlete, and coach didn't have a choice on whether or not they wanted to be black

My God can a man have his own opinion?

Don't fire him, don't fine him, but sure as hell criticize him for expressing a hypocritical, bigoted statement.

I think Tebow is a great guy...don't want him on my team. Same thing.

Because he's not gay, dummy.

Bringing up the suicide of Dungy's son and somehow reaching the conclusion that he killed himself because of his father's views on homosexuality is beyond disgusting.

Just be thankful this stalker weirdo isn't glomming onto you now.

The only thing more likable than a whiny defender of bigotry is a stalker.

Nothing more likable than a defender of bigotry who gets sullen and whiny when it's pointed out why his rationalizations are horseshit.

Yup, Dungy is willing to defend winners who may not have the best measurables, but have proven themselves to be winners on the field and respected by their teammates. As long as those folks aren't gay, that is.

Better "material"? I don't understand.