
Is this a subject that anyone is really all that interested in? Call me a cynical douche but come on.

Oh boy. I just lost a lot of respect for Todd. That's embarrassing.

Not prison really. Just the drunk tank.

In the end it's all about avoiding making actual connections with people. But when Don does make those connections, like he did with Sally in the last finale or with Peggy in The Suitcase it really makes an impact.

Agree with the point about Don and strangers. He loves to form relationships that can't possibly go anywhere with people. I guess that's much easier than actually revealing yourself to the people who go out on a limb to connect to you (Megan, Betty, etc.)

Why exactly is she taking a 4 hour flight to LA to murder her?

This show had never really been huge on foreshadowing. I doubt we'd ever see Don actually end up in prison. He is trapped in a lonely world of his own making though.

Terence Winter doesn't seems to have a problem with it. Wolf of Wall Street was amazing.

Good points all around. I disagree whole-heartedly.

"I thought you'd have a tan!"

Robert Baratheon. I'd love to hear his tales of debauchory from when he and Ned Stark tore apart the 7 kingdoms.

When is the Mad Men pre-review coming? Anyone? No one? Ok.

When will the Mad Men Season 7 pre-review thingy go up? Todd? Anyone? Ok.

When will the Mad Men Season 7 pre-review thingy go up? Todd? Anyone?

Hard to tell from the first episode, of course. If you showed me the first episode of Seinfeld, hell, the first season, I wouldn't have watched it ever again. So it's worth giving this show a few episodes even if it didn't wow me in its first 30 minutes.

You have a viewing party? I thought everyone watched it alone on their computer in their parents guest bedroom like me.

I want to inpregnate this woman.

Wiener, WEINER Party!!!
