
Do I have to buy my own cigarettes?

No such luck.

I miss Todd.

You're asking me to expect the best out of the finale when the preview has a showdown between Jeff and "darkest-timeline Jeff" complete with a Matrix-esque paintball sequence? It's gonna be quite a stretch.

Is this the least amount of effort that has ever went into an April Fool's Day joke?

When are they gonna get to the fireworks factory?

Can't wait to see this movie all over again in 3 months, when it's called White House Down and Gerard Butler is played by Channing Tatum.

Chronic over-saturation.

Chronic over-saturation.

But he can't watch Breaking Bad on Dish.

But he can't watch Breaking Bad on Dish.

Wow, glad I got here before the shit-storm.

Wow, glad I got here before the shit-storm.

I don't personally have any problems with Girls, but why the fuck is this not the Game of Thrones review?

I don't personally have any problems with Girls, but why the fuck is this not the Game of Thrones review?

For my turn, I feel sorry for all of us.

For my turn, I feel sorry for all of us.

Really glad to see they made Bane's voice clearer.

I'll admit it, I checked my calender to make sure it wasn't April Fools.

I'm still not convinced that was Fred Armisen as Brutus.