
I to an extent agree.

Some of the levels have that problem, especially the later levels in each game. But if you can't blaze through Casino Night Zone in Sonic 2 after a few tries, then that is your own damn fault.

We've seen some shit, man…!

Hey, look at that weird mirror.

Naw, it's totally a big knife switch out of a 30s horror movie. Sparks are gonna fly, shit's gonna blow up all over the place.

There's a big giant Not Kinja <===> Kinja lever on O'Neal's master control panel that he's just itching to pull.

If there's another George Liquor, Imma fight that motherfucker on the Game Grid & derez his ass but good!

So the Kinjapocalypse is nigh. I really don't know what to expect from the transition, but I hope this comment space doesn't turn into something that resembles Gizmodo's. Fucking CNET's a less miserable place to post, and it's pretty miserable.

Isn't that tuba thing from a Family Guy joke?

Of course not. You haven't even developed object permanence yet.

I'm betting there's a Brundlefly-style collection of old necrotic body parts in his bathroom, too.

I would be more excited about this, (And I'm always thrilled each time this walking dead-looking motherfucker's life gets a little harder) but if Trump fired him, who's gonna follow him? An actual corpse of a 3rd reich Nazi.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Bioshock Infinite would've been so much more interesting as an adventure game. The shooting only gets in the way of the story.

I haven't bought any yet, but I might have to before the event ends. I really want that Grillmaster: 76 skin too. And who'm I kidding? Black Widow in a bikini.

Me too. I miss Pete Strackmeyer, Joystick Master as well.

Remember when one of the commentariat old guard gave Soupy the Comment Cat his own title card?

I still thought the BFG was gonna rally at the end. Alas, it was not to be.

Blood? Blood. Crimson, copper-smelling blood—his blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood.

I saw Rejected at a Spike & Mike Twisted Cartoons festival, and it was by far the best of the series.

I don't know when he was in it, or honestly even if. He died four years before I was born, and it wasn't a subject the rest of the family talked about often; I could be misremembering. He lived in rural Illinois, so I'm guessing they weren't as radical as the klanners in the South?