
I was really sort of ambivalent about this whole thing, originally. But, seeing the reaction to it by a lot of Very Concerned and Very Important (mostly white) People, I want this to spread just to make the point. And, the whole “How dare you do this on 9/11" hot-take columns I saw in a lot of papers yesterday just

Helio Castroneves won the whole damned thing.

I’m SO going to start calling Canadians “Timbits” as a slur when I get mad at them (which is rare).

BTW, Leona Lewis has found her calling. I always knew she looked like something, and a cat it turns out to be. She is living her best life.

I mean, Tom played himself so hard she didn’t have to do any 11-dimensional jujitsu, here. Yeah, her team was lazy, but it’s because they weren’t going to waste their energy on someone who’d already destroyed himself so thoroughly.

Also, Kaepernick is as white as he is black (probably more white as he was raised by a white couple in a white community). So even if Charles’s point holds water, which side of himself is Kaepernick really on?

Imma do snakes. Snakes on a Train, I’ll call it.

They are talking about their impending takeover, to take their rightful place. Soon...soon...

Bitch, did I stutter? You’re have, you dumb-fuck.

You are REALLY stanning to try and draw a distinction without much of a difference. It’s kind of obvious by now that whatever direction he’s coming from, the result is the same. He’s not on the side of BLM, that’s for damned sure. A lot of people will love that. Many of us won’t.

As much as I’m not a Wilson fan, I think it’s kind of hilarious that people think this was this idea, as if he had to drag the rest of his teammates into doing this. I highly doubt that, especially the white teammates and probably most of the black ones, quite honestly.

Hey troll, everyone knows you’re a troll.

Fucker, if you have to ask, you’re in that half.

Thank you truly for this, Kara.

Don’t blame me; I voted for Substance.

Substance > Style.

Right, that was a thread on here literally last night.