George Frazzee

agreed — that was one of the things that got me. but over the last several episodes, i stopped being critical of those continuity issues because i liked the show so much.
I'd like to hear from Mr Goldberg to know if Barry's fascination with Rap was actual, or contrived for the show. I remember some rap, but the 80s

I love this show for the key points you've raised - many of the situations could transfer to other decades. The actors are great. And yes, i'm a continuity freak - mainly because i grew up in that decade and have quite fond memories of the similar things - and when i see stuff that was clearly in the 70s (roller

Just watched the last 3 episodes at once - what a disappointment. This show went from the character of the week, to trying to add several mythological arcs - such as Tom Keens role, Berlin, the mole, and they all made is complex to watch. Red as Elizabeth's father needs to come to closure. He denies it several

You mention that Melissa McCarthy gained fame from doing fatty-fall-down material - i don't think that's the case. First, Mike and Molly was released and they toned down the 'fat jokes' from the first initial episodes and it showed two plus-sized actors falling in love more similar to real-life than some of the