
First, no one is seriously talking about banning guns. Regulation and banning are two different things.

And there was a speed skater who learned how to skate a few weeks ago (she raced inline prior).

Gosh, I don’t know - maybe an actor? Have you heard of things like makeup and costumes?! The world is AMAZING!

I would’ve said the exact same thing but “dude” instead if it was a guy. Definitely wasn’t my intention to belittle, I’m just super sick of every fucking protest people still carry those stupid signs because they’re idiots who want to shove their idiocy in our faces.

Damn girl, do better. And I’m not talking about Hillary. I’m talking about this weak ass author and this weak ass article. Also, some of ya’ll commentators harping on Hillary are down right idiots. Get out of your house. Do some activism work. Register people to vote. Hillary is not the issue here.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Are you kidding me?

Yeah, you should stop talking forever.

Exactly. How hard is it to not masturbate in front of your co-workers or subordinates? I mean I used to think it was pretty easy, but apparently I must have some superhuman iron will or something...

Keep it in your pants then. It’s really that simple.

Let’s maybe consider that women in entertainment are belittled for speaking out, and then consider that women in entertainment are also retroactively belittled for saying they didn’t speak out when they could have, and FINALLY consider that you’re belittling her for playing within the boundaries of that system by

Fucking liar and enabler. I don’t work in the industry and I’ve known about Louis for years and years. EVERYONE KNEW.

I am enraged by his statement. He spent years sending people after his victims, ruining careers, having his manager put out rumor campaigns to smear people and give out the names of other men to cover for him. But he only realized YESTERDAY that he did some bad things? Come the fuck on. And he never apologizes, only

this made me sick too.. but it’s an important thing to note. a lot of men think that ASKING is okay? even if they are in a situation with a power dynamic. or god. even if not. no one wants to hang out in a regular situation and have some guy ask if he can get his dick out. NO. NO YOU CAN NOT. what the hell made you

No, see here’s the thing. When you have power in a workplace and you “ask to consensually masturbate” someone can’t actually give proper consent because they risk losing their job if they say no.

People are complicated, artists especially so.

The distinction is between how we as the public should respond, and how the legal system should respond. We, not being prosecutors, are under no obligation to address the legal situation: in fact, our real moral responsibility is to provide comfort and support to those who say they’ve been victimized.

Would it be different if you didn’t have three daughters?

so, so, so NOT BINGO. everyone is running to defend themselves for plugging their ears and not showing one shred of doubt where there was damn good reason to be suspicious. TEAM JEZEBEL ALL THE WAY ON THIS ONE.

If he had come forward and apologized it MIGHT mean something but up until months ago he was still vehemently and angrily denying everything so nah.

There no anonymous allegations, just a rumor that somehow managed to be 100% exactly what happened magically as if pulled from the ether.