
Paramore: re-defining the acronym for VMAs.

Jiggly: Do you mean: "You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals, so let's do it like they do on the discovery channel"?

Also known as "Canadian Style": this way, we can both watch the hockey game, eh?

Look out, Barney Frank!

it's also good that someone is saying you don't have to get your tits out to be a successful woman.

I totally disagree with Reese. Celebrities should not hide their faces in such pictures.

Man, when did Reese turn into a grumpy old lady telling the kids to get off her lawn?


When I take off my wedding ring, the image disappears. What's up with that?

Or a giant wheel of fortune type situation.

Do the Indian Amish believe in paradise, or reincarnation?

Why is nobody bashing Miley Cyrus for making anti-ear music?

Oy. No kidding.

Oh, good. Thanks for taking the pressure off white people.

Because we don't know or care who you are.

Color me embarassed. Thank you.

What about gapless playback? I'm having the damndest time finding one that plays tracks as well as my 4 year old ipod.

Isn't the article saying that the water content in samples from the Moon's mantle is equivalent to levels found in the Earth's mantle?

Indeed. This way you don't delay the boiling process, and still flavor the pasta.

It'd be much more weird if one twin got the logic side of the brain and the other got the emotion side. But it would make for a great sitcom!