
Thank you?

I guess it depends on the context. Does the dance evoke "Crazy" or "Thriller"?

I agree: stupid and uncreative, not really offensive.

Did your version of Sex at Dawn also have Fabio on the cover? Because I think we're reading different books.

it's really hard to argue with the compelling defense of one commenter on the article who observes, "Are magicians wrong for putting on the jackets and attempting to free themselves in a short amount of time.. Just like I said before it is art.. leave it alone."

I guess performing in wheelchairs would have been too expensive.

Something Cujo would never do, if he were real.

This trend led to the emergence of a critical change in sexual behavior: the replacement of the apes' orgiastic promiscuity with the pair bond between male and female.

Oh great. As if I didn't dislike Liev Schreiber enough for being married to Naomi Watts, I now see he's a Sox fan.

Yes, but Lions have more pride.

So how can a Tiger be the #1 seed and a lion be #14, below GARFIELD? Come on!


What, no baby gorillas?

@BeckySharper: You don't need to be a woman to realize how fucked up the reporting is.

I think their point and the source of the outrage—-and please correct me if I'm wrong, since I'm only getting this from the subtext of the articles—-is that the men may be alleging she was a willing participant. This is the only way I can wrap my mind around the fact that there is so much outrage and blame toward the

Good for him!

See my comment below about the Catholic Church.

Adversar is serious! And don't call her Shirley!

@MsJanani Come on. It's a more nuanced argument than that.

As you already acknowledged, the state would also prosecute cases where victims were non-citizens, and presumably would treat them the same regardless of their citizenship status. My comment about the big difference was in the broader context.