
If you are concerned that your jeans may catch fire, you can also rub two dry (yes they have to be dry) noodles together until they start to smoke. Then, blow really hard on one and it will light right up.

Just so you know that this stuff is nothing to play with....

Thanks for the link! It's a very interesting article, and would be a very good strategy if we could all be connected to the cloud all of the time.

No. I'm saying that there are a very few seconds (maybe 2-5) before you are disabled by the pain.

None of them.

Even simpler....

Jesus people! Babies will screen themselves, given half a chance.

Well that just stinks.

How did she manage that grip for long enough to kill him?

George Carlin Sr. had issues of his own. While I admired his frankness and openness and keen mind in exposing stupidity in many areas - GCS, like all of us humans, had his flaws too.

Actually I screwed that p a little...the outfits I am referring to are the closing ceremony outfits.

Now playing

Way to recycle Kipkay's 2007 Youtube post....

The worst thing I've seen so far are the US Olympic team's outfits.

It would be nice to fish right off he porch though....

On the left we have people that want to take the rightfully (and legally) earned wealth of others and redistribute it.


So, what I think you are saying is that, even though an economist my have lots of facts at his/her disposal, those facts are largely irrelevant because of the many, many unknowns in the future.

"If you don't want to disclose your previous salary, you can say you signed a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) about your salary."