The grand and all-consuming flaw in most arguments this is found in your first point..."Know Your Facts".
Banks will not take kindly to this, if you do it a lot - especially when they catch on that you are using their lobby as a meeting/business place.
Shit! You mean I was supposed to ask for permission?
My bad....metallic paint then.
You missed the most important reason of all...because the music industry made everyone feel like music was free for YEARS via radio.
How does the magnetic paint affect wireless signals?
Now all you need is to move into a mall or aircraft hanger and you've got a place to play with it.
I think it's more the fact that Windows users are forewarned to expect attacks. When you expect a punch in the mouth, and get it, it's not as much of a surprise as the old sucker punch.
(WARNING!!! The following opinion may cause spontaneous outbursts of "TROLL!!!" in those not accustomed to truthful, honest exchange of ideas and opinions. By continuing to read this post, you agree not to give in to such temptations and to address the original poster in a responsible, polite and intelligent manner. …
When you're as far behind as Microsoft seems to always be, you've got to step up your game.
I've never listened to anything by them, but their music aside, their marketing was genius and it was wildly successful. They marketed dead-head stuff from stickers to shirts to god-knows what - all over the world.
Why not just juice some fresh weed and add that to the beer?
Maybe someone should send them a copy of this book...
I'd be more impressed if he managed to do a zoom.
Actually I think they vote strictly Republican because they are ignorant (as is any person that votes for a party instead of a candidate - based on that candidate's record and views).
One can only hope....