I Drink and I know Things

This needs more stars.

Mmmm hmm. And you may or may not be able to just hop over the gate at Fort Wilderness to get there. And the music may or may not still be on. Of course, I wouldn’t know that for sure.

They do get relocated...constantly. I’ve called animal control myself when I was a CM. This was a very freak and rare accident.

Merchantainment? One of my favorite questions, “It’s raining...when are you going to close the dome over the park?” Uhh...

Disney World is legitimately swampland. In fact, despite the land itself being twice the size of the island of Manhattan, there are limits as to how much land they are actually ABLE to develop because sinkholes. Yay. The soil that was dredged up from the creation of the Seven Seas Lagoon was actually put down, and the

As a former CM, I have never in my life encountered a CM feeding the gator. None of my friends do or have. Perhaps I’m not friends with idiots? IDK.

No, but we do radio our animal control department and relocate them.

As a former Disney CM, nope nope nope we do NOT feed the gators. We are trained to call our animal control department IMMEDIATELY. Most of us also aren’t that stupid. Disney World is a swamp. Guests, however, do feed them...especially now that they built the Polynesian Resort DVC bungalows directly on the Seven Seas

But based on the countless amounts of arguments and rehashing of family history, it seems like that particular section of the family WAS close.

Sometimes kids change though...or grow up to be successful adults despite their parents. I look back at some of my behavior as a kid and I CRINGE. Then again, sometimes not ;) We shall see!

IDK. Joe even called Gia out on it. If I remember correctly, in one of the scenes from those summer episodes that aired when Teresa was locked up, Joe said that Gabriella was the one who was keeping the house clean, doing all the laundry, etc. I think that Gia DID step in as more of a disciplanarian/mother role for

LOVED her in the summer specials with just the girls and Joe where she completely called Gia out for not doing anyone elses laundry or keeping the house clean. I also love that she wasn’t featured for awhile on camera; Teresa said Gabriella didn’t love filming, and it didn’t seem like she was pressured to do so. She

She said recently that she wants to be a nurse, because she likes taking care of people. Then she said that she might be too stupid or not smart enough to be a nurse, or something along those lines. Joe responded with, “Who told you that?” It may or may not have been the same scene when she was shaving his back hair.

I don’t think crazy, but I DO think there’s some arrested development type stuff going on with her. She acts like a teenager half the time. Watching her is exhausting, IMHO.

They are first cousins, and they are Italian. As an Italian American from the NY metro area who is going away with 70 something relatives for the yearly trip (all on my dad’s mother’s side only), they are not distant. I am RIDICULOUSLY close to my SECOND cousins, even. I would happily give up most of my friends if it

They’re not all awful, but MAN is Milania a handful. From afar I enjoy watching her on my TV, but in real life I could not handle that. I remember reading somewhere that the crew has come out and said that she puts on a bit of an act while filming and hams it up on purpose. I think Joe and Teresa are amused by her, to

Is that strange? I know a few people who do.

This made me laugh, though I totally disagree with a few points. I think he supports Melissa when it comes to backing her up in arguments and such, but Melissa needs to TOE the line, man. Sure, she’s opening her own store. But God, all he does is complain. He wants her in the kitchen permanently. I’m of

I just bend down and look?

It’s currently 7:56 am here in the NYC metro area at a cool 79 degrees with 85% humidity. I’ve lived in Orlando, and those summers HURT, man...but NYC humidity is no joke, either. Manhattan is an island. Long Island is an island. The humidity is bad here, too. Not *quite* as bad as a central Florida summer, but the