Not necessarily, but they’re ideals most socialists identify with. They are also very anti-free market policies, which fit nicely under that blanched socialism umbrella.
Not necessarily, but they’re ideals most socialists identify with. They are also very anti-free market policies, which fit nicely under that blanched socialism umbrella.
Yeah, yeah I’ve heard this before. There are plenty of social programs that are good, however how we define socialism in 2016 goes well beyond those very basic things.
He is a socialist, as he has proudly proclaimed in the past with all the self-awareness of a tomato.
Based on my readings of Mr. Nolan since he emigrated over from Gawker, he doesn’t seem to understand taxes or really any other economic concept.
He doesn’t understand that higher wages and unionizing will only lead to more of this. But let him live in his little socialist echo chamber if he wants.