

"What are the odds even a single other location gets added to the map before the end?"

The Underwoods have a long way to go to catch up to the Clintons' murders.

And a voice off camera that sounded suspiciously like her dad. Or it that too much?

Well, two months ago she was just a barista.

One thing we all learned from Breaking Bad.

My take on the opening time stamp was that back in 1996 Deacon had reason to change his appearance (although I'm not sure why) and then we transitioned to him doing the same thing 20 years later. But that is probably just me trying to make sense of an error.

It's an A- on Evie's 60's outfit alone.

I'm assuming his supersuit enhances his abilities. Isn't that what they had in the GI Joe movies?

"Who throws a shoe?"

And the Soviets will have to try to play it on their cutting edge 8 track system.

A Lance is Prometheus, but not Deputy Mayor Detective Officer Sargent Lance. Dammit Barry!

My favorite was on Supergirl when someone (Alex?) was falling down an elevator shaft and Kara took the time to change and do her hair and make-up, even though everyone around knew she was Supergirl.

Exactly … he hasn't seen his family and friends in years, going back to place where you wait in line for turnips.

"Don't worry … the injection goes in the fleshy part." "The fleshy part of what?" "Your eyeball."

Snart's still alive, Kendra's still a barista and Carter gets a personality.

Just bring in JUL Hawkgirl. She doesn't have to find her inner warrior.

I want Legends to travel to the 1950's and meet John Jones.

I never knew how much I wanted a "A Very Bates Christmas" special until now. The festive collar on Juno sealed it.