
I love Semper Femina. I've been playing it as background music for writing this past week.

The "I sing really short pop songs about things" is a direct lift from last week's Bob's Burgers. Jimmy Jr had the same bit, and they even share the line, "Oh, that was the whole song…?"

And anyone who watched Quantum Leap knows Bakula had pipes! He sang "Imagine," he was in Man of La Mancha, he sang Elvis' songs… the man can sing! ;)

I got the feeling as the last few episodes unspooled that they were setting the stage for Catriona to take Vanessa's place next year. I would not mind that at all… seeing her scurry up the pole and swing onto the landing to take out a horde of vampires? Yes please, more of that.

"I swear if you leave right now, we will make your dog a miniature schnauzer."
"Is that bad?"

"Coach Feratu?! From now on, whenever a vampire is pretending to be a human, they can just call themselves 'Alan Jefferson' or whatever!"

When they looked at each other smugly… "That was a pause." "Yes, it was." That was when I wished they were the leads of True Detective Season 2.

"Stefon's Best Pint Ever. This ice cream has everything…"