
Can we talk about the Sport Line package that europe is getting that we aren’t?

But then, days or weeks later, you realize you are driving around in a 12 year old Chevy Cobalt BY CHOICE and you have an existential breakdown.

I have a fascination with #vanlife, full time RVing, overlanding, ect ect. and one common denominator I’ve noticed is how damn much money people ask for stuff like this. Considering how little it would cost to buy a clean Econoline and retrofit it with a few amenities, it makes me wonder if there’s any money ready to

Hmm. Checks author. Googles Author. Finds author’s linkedin.

The Element is cooler don’t @ me. 

And that’s why I jumped on the 30AE, love the bright orange.

The Miata’s price is not a problem. Its lack of colors is the problem.

“...the first Miata in 1989 started at $13,800, or around $29,283 in today’s money...”

I know this, but did it anyway.  So, just give me a brake ok?  I feel like a total looser for being so lose with my language.

Huh... I’m sure I learned this at some point and forgot it! Definitely counter-intuitive...

Just make cars lighter again and they won’t need yuge brakes. 


What is it with Jalops and the obsession with small ass wheels? 17 minimum. Even old cars. Enough with this bullshit, thank you.

Did the seller run over your cat and not apologize or something? You have some weird vendetta against this car for some reason. 

If you can wrench — and why else are you reading this site — the cost of admission is low. There’s a lot I’d want to check out before handing over my cash, but at least he’s not pretending he has some superduper ultra-rare vehicle here.

Gonna say it.

i still want one... am i weird... I’m probably weird.

I’ll never understand folks who modify a vehicle, then expect it to increase the vehicle’s value. It’s a 18 year old vehicle. I’m confident there are few people in San Francisco, California, looking for a modified, 18-year-old, gas-guzzling vehicle, let alone at this price point.

I’ve commuted in NYC, Toronto, San Francisco, Naples (Italy), and India in some of the world’s worst traffic. Believe it or not, stick shift was not the complaint I had in mind when I was going through that hell. In fact, sometimes I was glad I was in a stick car, because It made me keep my distance and pay attention

I moved from place that got regular heavy lake effect snow to a place that gets regular light snow (1-4in) with a couple of larger snow falls per year. The amount of SUV/CUV’s spinning out would be hilarious if people weren’t endangering themselves. Yet almost everyone in town (city I guess there’s a couple hundred