
I thought it was a wonderful piece, but I sincerely doubt that most good white people—or at least the good white people who run in my circles—believe that they "deserve a fucking prize." I think they're expressing empathy.

He liked the car so much he asked for a free one? Not news.

Because, China.

So...they're doing what the United States and Japan did in the 1930s?

If only we had nearly a dozen floating, mobile air bases to contend with something like this if we needed to.

Well, the virginity bar doesn't...

I'm sure it seems to you like everyone on Earth uses Twitter but, chances are, whomever finds your phone doesn't.

Yes, lets all take advise from the guy who thinks USB drives plug into your hardrive.

Most people.

Considering the USB malware problem, who is going to be stupid enough to use it?

He gets better by the end of the movie. Which is the whole point. Character development and all.

Where was this one?

The Jawbone UP does precisely this for eighty bucks. I can't help you for fifteen.

Sure thing. Maybe we could change it to "red herring".

I don't remember anyone saying the Wankel would be more efficient. Maybe I'm wrong.

Which really doesn't change a thing...

Just fantastic! The Holy Grail one kills me!


has to be mentioned ...


This typeface defined the 80's for me: