Long Live Gawker!
Long Live Gawker!
You’d think a Packer would know what’s in his luggage.
“We need to stay out of politics. That’s been my message.”
Trust The Optimization
The dreaded Black Guy With Personality syndrome. Must be stamped out immediately.
5 minutes late... miss the whole set.
Best news I’ve heard all year.
So wait, you mean to tell me... One day Jerry Jones and Dan Snyder and Jimmy Haslam will all be dead?!
Lol, did people expect an 80+ (90+?) year old nun to have nuanced takes on amateurism and the NCAA? A lot of old people have garbage opinions. An awful lot of old people who devoted their live to the Catholic Church have garbage opinions.
Old white person has the oldest whitest take.
True. 20 minutes is like 23 Weekend Nachos songs and an encore
+1 second song about government corruption
When duke loses, we are all winners
It’s good to see that the NCAA continues to be an extremely reasonable organization.
Better than Alt, right?
Who Dat! Who Dat! Who Dat gone’ get put in the ground? Who Dat!
Mueller is the Hawk. Trump is the pigeon. The Trashcan is America.
+1 kilo