
Lmao!!! That show needs to comeback or at least have a movie yearly!!

If he really wanted to make his point, he would have made some better shit-analogies.

+1 for a Trailor Park Boys reference

The shit-winds are blowing...

Shitbird football? Clearly, English was channelling his inner Jim Lahey.

You can't spell Stanford Cardinal without "stand for anal"

There's nothing special about this. That's the same exact route that Tony La Russa takes from his car to his front door every night.

You can't outrun stupidity.

Geez, talk about an offensive lineman, amirite?!?!

There are healthier ways of being active than running further than anyone actually needs to.

THANKS! Your semi-coherent, wankingly rhetorical questions about a billion dollar corporation's inability to properly quote, attribute, or research famous aphorisms were really, really, and I mean really, funny. Keep at it, fella.

Yes, I do believe quotes survive. Because people write them down on this crazy shit called: a piece of paper.

No, you just have to attribute it properly, you stupid fuck.

Yes, we're judging.

You're an idiot.

No, they're simply suggesting that context is important. You can go ahead and continue to copy and paste your "whoa is me, the upper-middle class white guy" rant to every other thing you see, as I'm sure you were already planning on doing.

Even for the quotes that are right, it's still pretty despicable that football teams (I'm sure the Browns aren't the only one) use quotes by people that were probably said in the context of fighting slavery or apartheid and not worried about defending Terrell Suggs on 3rd-and-long.

Proving that Michigan girls are in fact uglier.

She fully embodies "America"