
Just for the hell of it, where would Florida Gulf Coast's NCAA Tournament alley-oops rank on this list? Do they surpass the Spurs?

I found this second photo, taken a split-second later, to be more interesting

No, you've got it all wrong. He ceased doing the little things right when he left St. Louis for those Mickey Mouse Dodgers, who are only there to call attention to themselves because they don't have the influence of down home midwestern folk to keep them in line and continued teaching of "the right way."


Your butt. Hurt, it is.

Who is Butts?

totally. I had to read it twice to make sure I read it once. Well played, Barry.

Holy shit, Barry, that is an excellent PKD ref.

This is not the NFL and you obviously have no clue as to what the rule states. It says nothing about the ruling on the field, Darling got that call wrong and he got the replay call wrong and none of the other umps was going to overrule the crew chief.

Sorry. Forgot a province last time.

Browns should pick him up. All due respect to Brian Hoyer. Low risk prospect at this point that would cost nothing but short term cap space they already have plenty of.

Vikings, Raiders, Chargers, Cowboys, Giants, Lions could all use a better back up and Freeman is a better back up than most.

People shouldn't be making fun of Nate so much. He was doing a noble thing, trying to take that pizza home when it was sauced

Evidently, the pizza became locked in the car and ate itself to death.

The Jaguars are quickly morphing from "The Team Nobody in Florida Cares About" to "The Team Everybody in Florida Hates". We get force-fed their games on tv and we're sick of it! Please Jaguars! GO AWAY! It doesn't matter where. Just Go! Please!

If it turns out he suffered from CTE, David Chao has another player's blood on his hands.

White skin privilege in Atlanta? Get out of town!

Holy Shit! He meant the fans. You are proving his point.

It's a den of mediocrity where 9 and 7 wins you the division. So, yes.