These do in fact run small. Go big. Very comfortable when you get the right fit.
These do in fact run small. Go big. Very comfortable when you get the right fit.
These do in fact run small. Go big. Very comfortable when you get the right fit.
These do in fact run small. Go big. Very comfortable when you get the right fit.
How were the times so off between 1:06 and 1:12?
Hot take alert: NYE weddings are awesome and I don’t have to spend money doing the same shit I would be doing for the annual NYE fuck you mark up prices.
Charge him with a crime
Two years later... an even better streak:
Will there ever be functionality between iMessage so people don’t make fun of my green texts in the group chat?
A law firm? Fuck, I could have figured this out in the amount of time it would take to compare the recorded and actual dicks.
Geezus... here is the video of it. What a stupid beef. “The entire team came over to fight.”
Counter take: I secretly love it and will also forever enjoy standing up and pretending I am making the call when it’s in my team’s favor.
The foul was deserved and confirmed by the two minute report the NBA released. The travelling was incorrectly not called.
We use them for wine but it’s a very limited scope.
Middle America would lose their collective fucking minds if Maroon 5/Adam Levine cancelled in protest of the NFL. Please do this. Is he on the Voice still? What would happen there? Please do this.
Using Google and a lot of their services is still free, right? What anti-trust? How many of these folks and their staffers are using a gmail account?
It says a lot when you get more info about the match in the comments.
I can’t wait until the subsequent trial against SafeSport after the civil trial.
This is beyond amazing
I’m sorry officer... I didn’t know I couldn’t do that.
It worked pretty well for the Nazis originally I’m afraid.
Am I missing something or was that a 7 second video after I waited for a 30 second ad to play?
Yes... even with health insurance (which you are already paying a monthly fee for most likely) you can look forward to spending thousands of dollars meeting a deductible. These costs can be expected or unexpected depending on your health insurance.