Upvoted for Jedi Hermeneutics.
Upvoted for Jedi Hermeneutics.
Right after the big wedding episode Ben and Leslie literally were not on screen together for at least the next three episodes straight. I thought it was really weird that after such a big two-parter with the wedding - and not to mention such a huge story and character development - that the writers avoided putting…
Up All Night sort of played with that idea and it was re-written and finally cancelled.
Interesting synergy between your comment and previous cable provider.
Great job, internet!
I see what you did there.
It'll have to go on for at least 5 sequels.
I mean, maybe I watched a different show/episode, but I thought last night was genius. Didn't stick the landing? No, I thought they nailed it.
Sorry, we were looking for "What is club sauce?"
The spiritual sequel to Beirut is Back, right?
@avclub-30016cd5b9045be8de99ad5f1cbfd9af:disqus Estes would make an incredible Romulan.
Wait. I thought he died.
For a minute there I thought you were going to turn on NCIS: Los Angeles. Thanks for sparing us.
I think he's now the half-man, actually.
It's not like Verdant has a lengthy financial history anyway. They've probably been open for, what, 6 weeks at most?
Well, Jiminy Cricket in that he's been the moral counter-balance to Oliver. He's obviously more than that, but he's always been a good source of reason.
I figured that was in reference to him getting the notebook on the life raft…
That whole sequence was almost too ridiculous. The police can't hit her with bullets, but she can kill every single one of them with some crossbow?
Personally, I'd be fine without him. Dig is Oliver's Jiminy Cricket, whereas Tommy is kind of superfluous. I can see Tommy taking up his father's plight, though.
I wanted that salad joke to go for one more line.