
Great to see love for The Game. Always been one of my favs, as preposterous as it is.

It worked for Guns 'n' Roses.

So true. I ate Indian food constantly while I lived in Scotland for grad school. We just didn't have it in good supply in the California suburbs.

I dunno. I think Inception is pretty solid, if certainly overrated. But that final shot, when the top wobbles ever so slightly before an abrupt cut to black was brilliant. The whole theater let out a gasp.

White sauce is GOOOOD. I first ran into it in Nashville. My curiosity piqued, I engaged in a quest to find the best white sauce in all the land.

Complete robbery for Michael McKeon. Complete.

Here's hoping for Michael McKeon on Better Call Saul. His work this year was beyond Emmy-worthy.

The Amazing Race formula may seem long in the tooth, but when you think about the insane level of production involved in making it, I tend to give it free reign to take the category. Other shows don't come close.

Or he can pass and let Peter Jackson turn The Philosopher's Stone into four movies.

Cuaron made Azkaban just about perfect, so it's hard to feel like I missed much.

Exhuming him will be no small feat. He's buried in the lower level middle of his museum/theater in Figueres. This isn't a day at the mausoleum. It's shutting down the area's primary tourist attraction. You'd better know what you're doing, Pilar!

I think we're all forgetting that before taking his current pseudonym, Howard was a professor at Berkeley and was known to sleep with his students.

Patrick Fabian has been killing it, though.

I'm pulling for East Germany.

Or they all get a timeshare in Muncie.

That seems too… nice for this show? Too noble? A lot of The Americans is about how the forces greater than all of us keep anything from changing. I see a finale where the family sits in a diner, eating onion rings, only to have the screen abruptly go black while Journey is playing.

This was *THE BEST.*

Indeed, Marques Brownlee does incredible work and I'm so happy for his success throughout the years.

I'm back and forth on Neistat. I didn't appreciate that he made a big deal about stopping his vlog because of the need to live for real, man, and not keep doing something just to do it; when in reality it was because he cashed out with CNN and had to stop vlogging, only to mysteriously return to vlogging later on.

Oh man, me too. I think it was on E! in the 90s and I loved watching it. Timothy Stack forever!