Geoff Greene

Well, that was an unfortunate spelling mistake.

Eh, maybe. But I think that's an after the fact reason. Wells was perfectly happy to let Firestorm go nuclear last episode and only grudgingly used the tachyon whatever to save Ronnie/Stein. You could argue your same point that the reason he used the tachyon whatever was to get Firestorm but the way the scene was

Nah, investigating my friends is way more interesting than our own military covertly (well not really covert, if I'm honest) operating on U.S. soil

So, what was Dr.Wells goal? He drugged Stein and then handed him over to Eiling because Barry et al have never saved anyone from dire circumstances before.

Joe - "As your guardian, it's my duty to keep you safe and protect you."

Which is worse, Roy saying that or Malcolm?

"You lied to me Oliver!"

Didn't Thea already know Oliver was the Arrow? I could have sworn she mentioned to Malcolm that Oliver still didn't know when he attacked her several episodes back. I'm too lazy to check though so…..yes?

He and Merlin were swapping funny stories while staking out Thea's apartment.

Post coitus, your new lover tries to murder you with cyanide in your red wine.

That's the general conceit of the show. That Cisco has a portable holgram projector isn't outside the shows conceit either but it is an overreach by the writers. As the other commenter mentioned "enhance..enhance…enhance"

Silver nitrate from a 15-year-old mirror that the new owner/cougar just happened to buy at the estate sale for the house. Fine. Sure. Whatever.

"Barry doesn't know how to operate the splicer."

Wouldn't be Arrow if we didn't have a Jets vs the Sharks street battle. All that was missing was the snapping.

"Fuck. The. Glades." - Anyone living in The Glades.

I guess he's literally a brick?

"That goes for the rest of us at Argus too. Everyone at Argus gets the day off. You get a day, you get a day off and you get a day off! Woooooo! Amanda Waller out." - Another agency that could give a fuck about the Glades.

Alright, seriously, how many arrows has Brick gotten in the shoulder? One from Arsenal last week, one from the Malcolm F'n Merlyn and another from Arsenal in this episode. Does he have a magnet in his right shoulder that draws the arrows there? At some point, getting shot with an arrow in the same place three times

"What he did to your sister, what he did to Sarah." - Felicity (paraphrased).

"There's this new app that let's you transfer your contact info from your phone to someone else's phone.