I was seriously like, “I’m sure this is dumb and angry and ill informed...whatever.” But it was so much more than I could have ever imagined.
I was seriously like, “I’m sure this is dumb and angry and ill informed...whatever.” But it was so much more than I could have ever imagined.
‘Nando has a different take on the situation:
To those saddened by the lack of colourful British swear words in the video, I offer this:
Dear ‘Murricans on Jalopnik - please stop being stupid. Can You? Please?
Freddy, quit writing articles about stuff you clearly don’t even understand. Since, if you did understand it you would be way more in tune with the real problems of BMW motors and cars then this shit ass list put together here.
Maybe for your next article you can jump on the IMS bearing failure for Porsche train like…
No no. That’d still be orange.
He’ll get on the show....or die trying.
YES, if nothing else it would be some super high quality entertainment.
And now it’s time to turn the show over to our tame gangsta investor. Some say he's into having sex, but not making love; and that he got shot nine times and lived to tell about it. All we know is he’s call The Fiddy.
Yeah, yeah that’s it. I just want to LOOK poor. That’s why I wear a tshirt with vomit stains and one flip-flop. I’m afraid of getting ransomed. Of course this is all just an act! I keep my belongings in a plastic grocery bag because I’m afraid someone will steal my designer luggage. You might think the fact that I…
Generally speaking you pay to HAVE your mother-law kidnapped. Not pay to have her returned. Or so I’ve been told by like a million Dateline episodes.
Who wants to buy back his mother-in-law? Thats not how you are doing business! Jack something he really holds dear and would miss very sadly.
I wonder how effective the warning flags really are there. Considering that it’s basically amateur race bro heaven, it’m guessing it attracts a lot of people who don’t really have the discipline that they should to drive hard and still keep an eye out for flags and incidents.
What part? I’m an American, but was just there in the East near Enschede with mijn vrouw. I was fascinated with the fact that Google.nl kept coming up on my laptop, and of all the Dutch ads I got to websites I usually visit in the US.
Also in the netherlands and http://comediansincarsgettingcoffee.com/ works for me
Try it here http://comediansincarsgettingcoffee.com/