Slow Joe Crow

As long as you have a chimp riding in the back who can screech at you when it sees something in the mirror, I think you should be fine. Who in their right mind would be mad at that? It sounds delightful! You could put a funny outfit on the chimp, maybe give it a funny hat!

AI and crypto mining are destroying the world while providing no meaningful benefit to society. Gotta love it.

They will eventually reach a settlement amount that everyone can agree to, and he will go on to work at a Kia dealership.

Thats not how the 1st Amendment works.

NJ does not have the opportunity to chare income tax. Income is taxed where you work, not where you live. NJ doesn’t receive tax money, nor will get funding from the tolls to improve mass transit. So people will just continue to drive into Manhattan for work and pay the massive toll. It will just make NYC an even more

and now Jersey City’s mayor, Steven Fulop, is proposing “reverse congestion pricing,” charging New York drivers for entering the Garden State.

These 16" guns of the battleship New Jersey are pointing north, right at the Ben Franklin Bridge. If the tides won’t do the job, these will get it done.

Further complicating matters, the Coast Guard says it’s been dealing with exceptionally low water levels

There is a video of them thrashing it around a short course somewhere that has audio I'm pretty sure

Who was that designed by? The Habsburgs?

It would be great if someone would properly look into Tony and his activities at Canoo. He’s been scamming investors to fund his lifestyle for years now. Whether its the family owned shell companies leasing his corporate jet back to Canoo for his own use, or the backroom deals to investment groups he owns a part of to

OK Bimmer

I didn’t think CT when looking at those pictures.

Let me introduce you to this house design by Alexander Nerovyna. Check out where the truck slots into

Maybe he could buy a bicycle, I’m sure he could afford a really nice e-bike.

Crazy thought... he could park one block closer to be inside the zone all the time.

Instead of complaining that he, a very rich man, has to pay a whole $9 to drive to see his kids, he could instead contemplate the factors that contributed to his children living, you know, elsewhere.

In Florida it would have bene Meth, Bath Salts and a baby alligator in a onesie

Different kind of wackiness in California too. In Florida the dude would have been pulled over on a John Deere riding lawn mower while 2/3 through a six pack of Natty Ice, with a pound of crack, a crossbow and a baby Caiman.