Slow Joe Crow

I’m 67, and I swear I will never be old enough to buy a damn Accord. I just spent a month in an Accord Sport rental car and I totally don’t get the love of them, or any Honda vehicle, at all. Bad seating position, seat wouldn’t go back far enough, another 3/4" would have been great, I hated the “tablet glued to the

Everything I read about this makes me feel like it’s a repeat of the DeLorean in the 80s.

But the Lexus CT wasn’t that bad...

The worst of that story is that it’s not even Canoo’s jet. They are reimbursing a company owned by the CEO that operates the jet, so there’s no telling if the CEO is just using his own company to bilk Canoo out of money for fake flights or massively inflated/made up costs. I would bet there’s zero oversight happening

Fisker is the automotive equivalent of “The Producers”. Henrik must walk away richer each time he does this…

Bro, disrupting door handle functionality is all the rage! Sure, a few people get locked in their Corvette or Tesla now and then and die as a result of this overcomplicated nonsense, but didn’t you hear, it’s disrupting. DISRUPTING!!!!

Hello, fellow humans! My name is Mr. Realguy Notabear, and I am a professional salmon fisherman. I would like to volunteer my human services in removing the accidentally deposited lunch from this creek. I will use my large, clawed, human hands to swipe the fish out of the creek, then remove them professionally,

Well then here’s an even bigger status symbol, with a current auction bid of only $35k, it’s a bargain!

This is my brother and sister in law, they buy all this expensive stuff because they see my wife and I buying or doing things and then they complain about how broke they are and can’t afford to live in the big house with new cars with a new kid on the way. My wife and I do a lot of traveling and have nicer cars(not

I suspect the vehicles were bought because “everyone else” had them and maybe a little bit of the dreaded “you got something nice and new so I do too” marriage dynamic.

the key is to buy beach front property ON A FRICKIN LAKE...  

After one of the big hurricanes that hit Texas a while back, mapping software still showed Galveston Island streets that were now gone and the lots below the waterline. Took dozens of houses and left the second-row homes as the new beachfront, some of which get water underneath them during big storms. Took about a

Whatever it is it shouldn’t have giant rims with no sidewalls. A pox on Chip Foose for what he does to cars. 

Tunnel trains for tots - right in Musky’s wheelhouse.  Bring on the subsidies!  Powered by falcon rockets, too.

Home Depot had eclipse glasses for $1.99 when I went a couple weeks ago, though I imagine they’re probably sold out in most places by now

i was at work. everyone walked outside for ten minutes then went back to our business.

Thomas Jefferson said it best:

The big hole in that theory: many of the Linux builds are open source. The Fisker’s electronics are not. And since many are likely from 3rd party suppliers that don’t want their products to be OSS, I’m going out on a limb to say that won’t happen.

Personally, I’d love to see a turbofan kei truck. Maybe a GE90.

It sounds like a lot of the wrong stuff got killed by bean counters.