The Kinja Assassin

I’m still pretty sure that Knocked Up isn’t so much a love story as a woman trying to see if this guy who impregnated her can be a good co-parent. I’ll never believe that they end up as a couple.

I’m going to guess that some sort of market research has shown that there are way more dysfunctional unattractive people than there are unattractive people who have their shit together. Go where the market is. (“Wait, are you telling me that my living in my parents’ basement until I’m forty isn’t the problem, but I

“Can a woman with a 130lb mole find happiness?”

And maybe we should retire the term “economic anxiety” when it comes to racism. It’s just a term to make people try to empathize with horrible individuals. “They’re just scared. That’s why they’ve enslaved and lynched and terrorized and cheered the death of black people and the desecration of black monuments. It’s not

We shouldn’t underestimate the economic issues that drive white people to commit hate crimes. Slow down, I’m not talking about “economic anxiety” in a vacuum. I’m talking about economic anxiety + deep seated racism + a president and party that stokes their feelings of aggrievement.

I don’t think they do it for any rewards. Barr is a good soldier who will do anything to protect the party. His actions aren’t surprising. Rosenstein was just a cog in the machine until he became the poster boy for protecting the Mueller administration. He probably enjoyed it for awhile (who doesn’t like being the

“It would be cool, it had to be Arya.”

I have to agree with you. In the moment while watching it, I was engaged. But now after letting it sink in, it feels extremely anti-climactic. The White Walkers have been the big bogeyman for eight years. And if you include the books then it’s over twenty years. This formidable evil. And it’s basically just Arya

You can tell a master politician by their ability to turn somebody else’s horrible experience into a pat on the back for themselves.

I agree with you on his strategy except with one addendum. “Trump is really bad and I’m not Trump! And I’m also not a socialist!” The main reason why the Democratic leadership is pushing hard for Biden is because they think that the progressive platform will cost them the election. And they’re probably targeting baby

Most people wouldn’t steal if the media oligarchy wasn’t so consistently anti-consumer and money-grubbing. Piracy isn’t free; there are real costs to the consumer in terms of effort, time, bandwidth, data storage, and risk of exposure to malware.

Also listed on the schedule is “Wyld Stallyns live,” which could very well be an impressive cover band—unless Matchbox Cineclub actually managed to get Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter to perform as their Bill & Ted counterparts. In that case, have fun suffering from the worst case of FOMO in recorded history.

That could be the case. Except we’ve seen plenty of people that were not nobles and nary a person of color. But maybe they didn’t mix and mingle up and down the line.

Well, with Essos being so diverse, it’s amazing that only the white people settled Westeros and that the dragonslords were white. That’s one heck of a statistic.

“The latest was the other day. I said that I thought it didn’t make any sense that somehow women’s liberation became about birth control. I said it seems like women sold out, because if they really wanted change, they should have changed society to fit them, rather than changing themselves to fit into society. I

Real Talk, one of the biggest things I will be taking away from this is that even in this world where everything is possible, white people cannot imagine us as anything beyond slaves, servants, and savages.

Of course, All In The Family would succeed today. The MAGA crowd would embrace it. All In The Family in this day and age would be viewed less as a satire and more of a documentary. Anyway, given the general reaction to Marisa Tomei as Aunt May, I’m going to guess that the only thing that will come out of this is a

I’m imagining the song titles being very specific:

The lack of much interaction between Finn, Rey and Po was one of my two only real complaints about TLJ (the other being how they handled Luke, but that’s another conversation.) They established a great dynamic between them in the first one then it all was wasted in the sequel. Hopefully, we might see them have a

Just saw this quote from the conference. Wow.