The Kinja Assassin

That’s actually a valid point. This is really a he said, they said situation. Basically, this whole thing is based on a story his attackers told the cops. So one way to look at it is that Smollett conspired with them to set this whole thing up. Another is that they actually robbed him and when they got caught, they

When Breihan was doing his A History Of Violence series, he almost had a three-way tie in 1981 between Raiders Of The Lost Ark, Escape From New York and The Road Warrior. (Raiders won out.) 2018 seems to have something similar happening with superhero movies. As the years progress, I wonder if people will look back on

I’m trying to figure out how common it is for a police department to bill somebody for an investigation even after charges were dropped. I’ve never heard of that before or even considered it would be a thing. That seems like something that could be abused by the government. Anyway, some people in the department

I would say that issuing a subpoena is very much the adult thing to do. It’s not like there hasn’t been years of stonewalling and outright lying by this administration and the Republican party in general. Democrats aren’t going to win any points by talking tough then gingerly pushing forward the carrot. Jesus, this is

I think it’s still too early to call if he’ll run. I think they’ll still wait and see if anything else comes out and also to see how their defensive strategy plays out. So far, there hasn’t been an overwhelming wave one way or the other. My instinct is telling me he’ll run. If the Democratic party is truly split

In their defense, they’re aiming for that swing demographic of white baby boomers who think these women are complaining too much since a little affectionate grabby grabby is just boys being boys. In their day, women just grinned and beared it and they’re not sure why they still can’t do that.

Prediction: Thanos is about to win when Hawkeye takes off his mask. Thanos flinches when he sees the hair thus providing enough distraction for the Avengers to prevail.

I think the reason why Joe hasn’t officially entered the race yet is they’re waiting to see if the rumors of him running flushes anything out. This story alone is going to cause people advising him to suggest he not do it. Like you said, Republicans and their propaganda machine will hammer him on it. And hammer the

The young woman sitting beside him is his girlfriend. I’ve seen a few clips of them together and they make a fantastic couple. He’s kind of a goofball and she has a great sense of humor. They’re perfect for each other. For some reason, they turn me into my mother and make me wonder why he hasn’t put a ring on her

you can start wearing them to work. they are 100% beyond comfortable. just make them work appropriate. boots, a nicer top, the usual.

I don’t think they really read the Bible. I think the Bible to them is more background noise. Like if you’re doing a activity around the house and you turn on the television or radio for background noise. It’s the same way with these people except the activity is being paranoid and spiteful against Islam (or POC or

“There were a bunch of white guys…hearing this testimony in the Senate Judiciary Committee. So when Anita Hill came to testify, she faced a committee that didn’t fully understand what the hell it was all about.”

Shout out to the ref for bumping the leg as he casually stepped over Nurkic.

This is like if the Republicans years ago tried to undermine the Tea Party movement. Instead, the party co-opted it. Of course, this lead to the inmates taking over the asylum, but it’s a good example of how a political party can take a popular movement and turn it into electoral gold. We can debate the merits of the

I’ll be seeing it twice. Once for you, amigo.

I am kind of curious why a guy would leave a job as a police sergeant (with the salary and benefits) to work at a car dealership. Any number of reasons, of course. But given what we know of him now, I wonder if MAGA Man had some disciplinary issues.

The issue is optics. I fully expect the Democratic party leadership to pursue the platform that they have stated they will pursue if they take control of the House. But people need to be inspired. They need to be stirred up. The Republicans have mastered this. They speak directly to the fears and paranoia of their

I doubt she is either. Also, just going by her Facebook, she is an uber-Trumper.

Legal question: what is the outcome if a US citizen, standing in the US, shoots someone standing in Mexico?