The Kinja Assassin

I don’t know. It’s not like these stories don’t come up every year. In this day and age, she’s totally avoided the multitude of controversies surrounding blackface her entire life? I think not. I think what happened is the same thing that happens every time which is people think its funny because they figure it’ll

I’m genuinely interested in how they plan to pull this off.

I agree. Unless the real estate market in Charlotte is absolutely insane, she’s not making 125k and living there.

I’m so tired of hearing “both sides” being responsible for this heavy climate of hate

I always wonder if team staff and management get anxious whenever a player celebrates like that. Jumping up and down or throwing themselves backwards onto the ground or something like that. Players have been injured doing that and I could see a GM gritting his teeth whenever watching a player do it.

It’s the mid-terms. The Republicans have been stirring the pot and the crazies are answering. This is probably going to be the norm moving forward. I wouldn’t be surprised if we have violence all over the place at polling stations on the 6th. Suppressing the vote however they can.

I remember working at a video store that rented porn back in the nineties and it seemed like the companies tried to make videos that had at least some production values and actual stories. (Nothing complicated, of course. Everybody knew what the point of these videos were. Get to the action ASAP.) But from articles

Well, on the one hand, they have a bit of a fractious history. On the other hand, she’s definitely the type that would be in his mental rolodex. Poor Sarah Sanders might be on her way out. oO

The girl has obvious signs of a psychotic disorder. Schizophrenia isn’t outside the realm of possibility. It sounds like the circumstances surrounding the death of her stepfather was a catalyst and may have triggered the psychosis. If they haven’t done so, I hope that medical staff also check her for brain tumors or

The motives for the shooting remain unclear and it is unknown whether or not Bush knew either of his victims before shooting them.

The main problem is that all the established Democratic potential candidates are way too old and/or don’t really bridge the centrist/progressive divide. Republicans don’t really worry about their moderate/hardliner divide, but the divide between centrists and progressives on the Left does appear to be a real and

Yep. That’s who she’s dressing up as. LaFonda is barely a character in the movie. She only has one quick bit of dialogue and that’s with Napoleon where she gives him a mix tape. Everything else are montage clips of her fawning over Kip. You really have no idea why she’s into him.

Of course, she did. Megyn Kelly is full of shit all day every day. That includes this apology. We all know these apologies are insincere. They just think they’ll save their careers. Anyway. She’s radioactive now, but she’ll get a nice payout so she’s failing upwards. She’ll take a sabbatical to work on her poolboy

Napoleon Dynamite is a cult classic because of the Vote For Pedro shirts and the dance sequence. I liked it. Mostly because I grew up in the region where it was filmed and it is spot-on with the culture. Anyway, the blackface was a horrible idea and confusing as well since her skillset is obviously Starla.

Anyway, stop reading this and go drink your glass of Megyn Kelly Got Fired Today iced tea. If you wait too long the ice cubes might melt.

Your move, Netflix.

I don’t think its really any issues with creative. It sounds like this is a corporate divorce. Netflix wants to focus on content that they own and Disney doesn’t see the point in having their IPs on a competing platform. I wouldn’t be surprised if the next seasons of DD and JJ are the last ones for those shows. At

“I asked some more questions about why she took so long to give me the information ... She said I was being argumentative and that she didn’t like my tone,” Gonźalez said,

* Although in her defence, she might not be entitled to vote even if she could be arsed.

I don’t know why Kelly Rowland doesn’t have a bigger career, but I can safely say it’s not because of her appearance.