The Kinja Assassin

It’s another example of Megyn Kelly being full of crap. The fact that NBC continues to give her a platform means they’re complicit and support her views. Especially since her ratings are terrible. Seriously, I don’t know why they keep her*. If the alt-white want alt-white opinions, they go to Fox News. I’m willing to

I think the exhaustion is deliberate. They are trying to tire us out so that we don’t respond as the truth is subverted and subverted and subverted.

If you want a second serving, Sam Amick at the Athletic apparently reported that it was Rondo’s girlfriend that started the drama in the stands with Paul’s wife. Rondo is married. Ooh, boy.

That’s what some people have speculated. That he’s been waiting for the show to be over before releasing any new books. The reason being that HBO has requested he hold off as they feel at this point a new book might ruin the buzz for their once-in-a-lifetime worldwide hit (especially if it differs substantially from

I don’t think so. Per some of the articles I’ve read, the issues seem to be at the corporate level. It sounds like executives at both Netflix and Marvel had serious differences of opinion as to which directions to take the show and things blew up within the last few days. My best guess is you have Netflix who wants to

I don’t know. NBC hired Megyn Kelly and she hasn’t really changed her tune. I figure that they’re just going for that FOX demographic to stem the tide of falling ratings since they’re the only people that still watch television.

Seriously, don’t do this at home.

There were actually two Beckys. The one in the Starbucks with the kids and the principal. So Becky #1 was the one whose anxiety went into overdrive. And I’m willing to bet she tried to get the Starbucks to call the cops for her. They were probably like, “Uh, no. We don’t call the cops on black men anymore. You need to

Chill, kiddo.

Unfortunately, FOX News isn’t a part of the deal. The television side of FOX is being spun off into a new company. But I absolutely support the idea of a Wakanda news network.

I agree with you. I believe that religious discrimination law is based on the rule that an employer cannot discriminate against you specifically due to your religious views. So they can’t force you not to wear a hijab, for instance. However, the company wouldn’t be firing this guy due to his religious views. They

Why Did the University of California Invest $100 Million With a Top Dianne Feinstein Donor?

It doesn’t have anything to do with anything. I didn’t think her divulging this information was necessary either. But I don’t think it ultimately changes her chances at a Presidential run. They were going to make fun of this no matter what. All they have is petty identity politics at this point. Anyway, what matters

Nothing much to add to rest of these comments except to say that the cover image up there is creepy. She reminds me of that girl from The Ring. Except in this case, instead of a ghost crawling out of a television after seven days, it’s the cops crawling out of their cars after seven minutes.

I don’t even think they hate each other. I think they’ve always viewed this thing as a business partnership above all else. Like they met in college and Hillary has been running the numbers ever since. They realized at some point early on that they complimented each other very well. He’s the charm and she’s the

....and also when he told an interviewer that he thinks about his father burning to death in the WTC when he is trying not to cum too fast.

I think when you marry a Royal, you’re marrying The Package. And the Package is everything that comes with that royal. Affluence. Titles. Prestige. The Package. I think Elizabeth fell in love with Phillip. I think Phillip fell in love with The Package. But that’s not just him. I think they all do. All the consorts.

Oops. You’re right. Had a brain fart. Kids come next in line.

Probably not, but he would have done it. He was just as hungry as everyone else to join the family. It definitely would have made for one hell of a scene in The Crown. A bunch of doctors circling Philip as he tried to prove he could ejaculate or whatever they did back in the day to test fertility.

I agree with you, but William and his family do occasionally travel together so there’s the remote possibility that, say, there’s a horrible plane crash or something. Also, William could abdicate for some reason. You never know. Then Harry and Meghan are up to bat.