The bigger question is what the hell was Ryan O’Neal thinking
The bigger question is what the hell was Ryan O’Neal thinking
Well, if all of your ducks are in a row, I say just send them a cease and desist letter and call it a day. They take legal action, see them in court. They try to contact you again, see them in court. If their actions have compromised your firm’s (or the owner’s) credit rating, see them in court.
The only thing I would add is to make sure to send in a letter of dispute and provide copies of documentation that proves your case. I’m going to bet that its probably already been reported on your credit. You’ll want them to remove that as well or if they won’t do that, you’ll have to dispute it through the credit…
Sounds like they’re trying to get their collection costs and accrued interest. If you have documentation that proves it was resolved before the agency received it then just draft a dispute letter stating that and send that to them. Tell them that you want written confirmation that the account has been cleared off…
We won’t be able to impeach him. If it was possible to impeach Justices, the Republicans would have bounced the four liberal Justices by now. The only thing to do now is to do what the Republicans have done. Spend decades stirring up the base and keeping them stirred up to reaffirm progressive values and promote change…
You know he’s not pressuring his daughters or anything, but you also know he can’t WAIT to be a grandfather. He’s going to spoil the grandkids.
added that she didn’t want the Kavanaugh nomination to be a “meeting of the #MeToo movement.” Though she believes victims of assault “should all be heard,” (in courts of law and depositions, she says) we should not “treat people differently who are either the victims or perpetrators of this based on their…
I fail to see how this is “reverse discrimination”.
Also, Stallone should have won the Oscar for Creed. Watching Stallone play his iconic signature role as a broken down old man battling cancer and becoming a mentor to Adonis Creed was way more emotionally engaging than watching Mark Rylance in Bridge Of Spies.
The size difference between Rocky and Ivan Drago in Rocky IV was even crazier. The weight classes in Rocky movies are kind of confusing. I don’t think they even have weight classes. I think its like as long as the fighters are within 150 lbs of each other, they’re good.
What I was curious about is why everyone in red, who I’m assuming are security, are all senior citizens.
Everyone is talking that Aryana Bluffington here needs to watch her mouth, but I’m the other way: I’d love to see a debate between Michelle Obama and this 3rd string Fox bottle blonde. Let’s see if there’s still that same energy. But yeah, Michelle Obama is so far above this nonsense that this girl would need a Zeppeli…
Morgan Freeman as Azeem in Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves. This amazing man invented the telescope (I mean, he had one hundreds of years before it was “invented” in 1608), performed the most successful caesarean birth in history (the mother was able to attack the castle practically the next day) and he introduced…
This isn’t the end of the world. This was always a possibility. There is a lot of defeatism in comments that I’ve read about this. We always knew that ultimately this battle would be fought in the voting booth. No matter what happens with Rosenstein or Mueller or this investigation, get out and vote!
When I went over a long time ago, I was surprised by the racism. I have to admit my preconceptions was set by the Crocodile Dundee movies. Just a bunch of good-natured blokes and sheilas. Nope. They were nice enough, but damn, the casual racism. They said all sorts of horrible things about Aboriginals. The people I…
Bill Burr refers to Boston as a racist San Francisco. Which seems about right.
He can’t refuse to let the new President be sworn in. The President-Elect becomes President on January 20th. Trump then becomes a regular citizen. And I’m totally fine with the picture of Trump being escorted out of the White House, possibly in handcuffs. It would be the perfect bookend to his Presidency.
I don’t think its connecting any dots or anything, but the producer on this movie is Avi Lerner. He was the guy that threatened to ruin Terry Crew’s career if Terry didn’t recant his story against the agent that groped him.
I was surprised when I saw the header photo. I hadn’t seen Dobbs in awhile and I remember him with white hair. Now he’s rocking the fresh dye job. And its working for him. He’s got the youthful pallor of a 60 year old.