
He has concepts of understanding.

Its just a rotting ball of pus.  His brain is just mush at this point.  He has never been eloquent, but try listening to his rallies now versus just 2020....he is demented (like medically).  

That door was kicked open a long time ago.

Biden got blamed for gas prices after the orange fuckwit forced the Saudis into a two-year production cut though. By 2021 when Biden took office the economy was recovering and gas demand was up, but supply was down, so we had $4 gas. It’s like the dumbfuck population in this country has no memory and no capacity for

Do you think he understands ANYTHING ?

Trump’s plan seems to be: crush all of Latin America’s economies and build a big fucking wall to keep the messicuns out.

Yeah. I mean by shutting down Mexico’s factories, Trump is basically begging the country to court Chinese investment as a substitute. Won’t be long before you can’t buy an American car south of the Rio Grande because the Chinese have swallowed up the entire market, and were invited to do so by Latin American economies

As a person who grew up among the factories in Michigan that saw electronics move to Mexico and car production move to Canada and Mexico after NAFTA and hearing how that was good because we are and want a service-based economy. To know hear a generation that talked that up, and taught it in business schools and

“They’ll approve it,” Trump said, cutting the reporter off. “I don’t need Congress, but they will approve it. “I’ll have the right to impose them myself if they don’t.... The ones who understand business do support it,” he said at the event in Smithton.

what about Mack trucks? what about Harley Davidson?

There are two options:

Remember what Trump said about Clinton after he won when they kept chanting “locker her up”. Something like “that played well in the election but we don’t care any more”.

Clinton had a budget surplus, which simply means the government had more income than expense for a given year. It’s a combination of current government spending, tax rates, and economic trend that drives profits/incomes and the associates tax income. So he gets at least partial credit.

Vote for me and I’ll destroy jobs and make farming unsustainable for anybody but giant corporations!

Trump didn’t just sign the United-States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, he’s the one that insisted that it be created to replace NAFTA. In the end, the terms of USMCA are pretty close to NAFTA anyway.

His voters also don’t want Mexicans coming to America but want to make sure Mexicans have no jobs in Mexico. I don’t think they get cause and effect. 

I hate this guy so much........

Since oil/gas is global commodity, probably not. 

Trump signs massive tariffs on China products.

At this point it’s a kink for them.