
Technologically, AM radio is probably the cheapest, most robust way to reach the most people quickly.

Add radiation protection problem to the list.

The prolonged exposure to cosmic radiation needs to be addressed too. Not sure how much shielding is required for the ship, the lander, and the habitat. I suspect the best plan is to find a cave or some other natural shield on mars and camp out there.

That’s because SpaceX boss Elon Musk has claimed that should Harris win the election in 42 days, his company will never put a man on Mars.

How. Do. You. Think. They. Got. Rich?

Elon Musk Won’t Go To Mars If Harris Wins

2nd, 3rd, and 4th gear all just seem like even more reasons to vote for Harris, not that I needed more.

So what would we actually need to do in order to go to mars?

If there’s one thing everyday Americans are most concerned about, it’s definitely Elon Musk sending people to Mars next year.

If Trumpster wins, we still won’t go to Mars, because that’s still decades away from being possible.  Muskrat is just trying to seed an excuse for when he blows past his timetable once again.  How many times has said he’s solved autonomy, it’s only government red tape holding it back from a public rollout?  This is

Musk: hilarious (and dangerous). Mars in two years? No fucking way. 1,000s of “starships” going to Mars? What’s the probability of that? 10 to the minus 1,000? Also: go/no-go to Mars is probably about the 987,526th item on Americans list of concerns.

Maybe it’s just me, I’m starting to get the feeling this wasn’t a very safe submarine.

Don’t be ridiculous.

I used my Z-plan to get a new Mach-E for around these used money and even the eAWD Ext Battery non-GT models are entertaining enough to drive when you want to.

The biggest threats to manufacturing jobs is and always has been the management of manufacturing companies.

Wait....sea level rise provides more seafront property?? I guess if you’re a fish or dolphin or zebra mussel....

Do you know how I know “Thoughts and Prayers” does fuck all? This motherfucker is still above ground.

It would be hilarious if the Right started driving EVs to own the Left.  Man, I would feel so owned!

I actually didn’t watch the last couple of seasons, but my nephew is a big fan (wants to name his first born Archer or Mallory) and said things really went downhill, so I haven’t bothered.

Tesla owners are denying Elon now? Who do they think they are, his kids?!