
Aw, go eat your neighbor’s goldfish

Same. Model 3s are incredibly affordable right now and, my concerns about their quality control notwithstanding, I’d snatch one up in a heartbeat were it not for that incel lunatic cosplaying as a “genius” Elmo.

Can we keep the political garbage in the garbage and keep this site / forum dedicated to cars?

1. This is a post about the CEO of the most valuable car company on the planet.
2. Cars are political.

Of course, simply increasing the tax rates doesn’t help, because on paper his income isn’t actually that much. He gets it all in the form of assets, which aren’t taxable until they are sold because they aren’t monetary income. Then he uses those as collateral to get loans, which aren’t taxable. It’s the typical scheme

I will not consider giving money to them until Musk is gone from Tesla. It’s a shame, because the new M3P looks like a pretty fun car. Cannot willingly give them money when he is so purposefully and without regard embracing Trump and his cult. 

You don’t financially support this psycho under any circumstances. Once he’s gone from Telsa, sure.

The slide show is absolutely terrible, but the answer has to be Musk.

This was not ‘asking her to have children with him’. It was a rape threat, and couching it as anything but is dishonest.

If we ever manage to terraform Mars, we’ll just proceed to wreck it the same way we have Earth.

You all don’t understand. The reason this is relevant to the RFK Jr. post and relevant to increasing lifespan is because Musk isn’t talking to you and I, the average Joe’s of the world. He’s talking to about about the mega-wealthy, who will build their perfect utopia cities on Mars while they leave us lowlifes on

Let’s all just say it together: we will never send humans to Mars. Ever. It’s a one-way trip, so suicidal in practice. Suicidal people are not the ones you trust to operate a space ship and make good astronauts.

Elon Musk says a lot of things.

Time for another round of stock manipulation, I see.

The whole selling point of autonomous cars is that one day, hypothetically, they’ll be safer than humans because they won’t get tired or lazy or lax with the rules.  “No u-turn” signs might seem arbitrary sometimes, but there’s usually a reason they’re there.  Teslas ignoring those signs and then having to back into

It should. Automated vehicles should be following the rules of the road, not the bad habits drivers form throughout their lives as shit drivers.

Yes? 100% it does.

Probably also to hide their shame by not allowing the public to know that they made a dumb purchase when they talk about all the problems they’re having. And also to protect their false god mElon. 

“Elon Musk. Please fix this.”

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes?