
Watching the header gif alone makes me wonder if I need a tetanus shot now...

Muskrat already uses Teslas as spyware. Has everyone forgotten about how they secretly record people with the cars’ cameras, then pass embarassing images around the office to laugh at?

Do you even how DEI works at a company? Not a made up company in your brain, but used by actual corporations to manage employees?

That’s the part that gets me. AB bowed to the whiners and they didn’t stop boycotting. Even worse, gay bars stopped selling Bud Light in solidarity so it was two boycotts in one.

Except that’s not what DEI is outside of Fox News talking points. Making people from different backgrounds feel included in the workplace is not “pandering.”

It’s always good when hateful assholes like you show yourselves.

You put that VERY well. I am unlikely to buy their products. I am REALLY unlikely to buy them NOW. 

1st Gear: Ford REALLY never wants to sell me another new car ever again, huh? First they plaster the Mustang name on a fugly SUV (I have no problem with it being electric), then they do the same to the Capri (I’ve owned 8 Mustangs, three of which were Mustang IIs, and 2 Capris, and the Capris were/are the real deal

Jim Farley wants SO badly to be part of the Elon/Trump orgy.

I almost bought a Ford last year and would have considered it again if not for this: Glad I decided to go with a Hyundai.

That isnt true.  I have yet to see any american auto maker come out in favor of universal healthcare.  The increase in taxes would heavily offset their contributions to healthcare plans, and particularly legacy healthcare plans.  Automakers should have been pushing for universal healthcare decades ago as it would

I’ll go out on a limb and say I think Jim Farley sucks. He’s a very ‘CEO’ type CEO.

And this:
Ford said it will no longer engage with the Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index and various “best places to work” lists, and that it refocused employee resource groups and opened them to all its workers. The

“Lotus is in a really rough place right now ... “

There has been a solid push by right wing activists to go after DEI.  Boards and Execs are all republicans generally so the minute they thought they had cover, they did.  Rich White Men were never going to actually champion dei.  

“We are mindful that our employees and customers hold a wide range of beliefs,” and we are going to cater to the bigoted ones.  

Disappointed in you, Ford. You had the choice between helping people or hurting people, and you choice to hurt. You had the chance to stand up to hate or agree with it, and you agreed with it. You had the chance to take away these bigots power by simply ignoring them, but you chose to give them credibility.

It probably barely ran. It’s an old Evo ElectraGlide that someone had modified into a Road King clone. Why?

As a fellow lib, there’s nothing that makes me feel more “owned” than a complete stranger destroying his own property in a fit of pique over some bunch of strangers trying to make sure some other bunch of strangers are being treated fairly.

I’m not sure how I’m going to sleep tonight knowing I was owned so much.

As a lib, I feel so owned after seeing this video.