
You should try learning how to read before browsing a news site. 

What was equally cringe (and also quite amusing) was Vance then confronting the reporters there for Harris/Walz. He made some bitchy statements and then asked if they had any questions for him... there was a deafening silence.

JDouche Vance is a spineless weirdo and everyone know it.

I cannot believe people are falling for his lying a$$ stolen valor crap about Walz when JV Vance is eating the mushroom of draft dodger bone spurs.  

This has such such creepy stalker vibes. Like pulling your bros out of their mom’s basement to harass the popular girl that will not return your calls when she finds out you diddle the furniture. 

He’s the reason people put those plastic slipcovers on couches.

This stunt was so lame it is cringe worthy. Vance is the guy you tell kids to stay away from. He oozes creepiness.

Oh look! Donald’s Bitch goes for a photo op while he’s not whining about Walz’s military service record—a man who put in 24 years with the National Guard and was mustered out due to hearing issues. Such “genius” on Vance’s part.

“Corny,” is the perfect descriptor, but may I add “pathetic,” as a close second?

Weird you say?

“Senator! Senator! You forgot your torches and robes!”

Coming from a person who has lived in Ohio his entire life. I’m sorry we somehow produced this. 

He does know that the C-32 is not actually designated for the Vice President, right? That’s pretty common knowledge. I mean, I know he was Marine Corps, not USAF, but he was a *journalist* in the Marine Corps, so you’d think he’d have at least a passing familiarity with some of the better known elements of the VIP

Yep my first thought was losers who pose in front of cars, boats, etc that don’t belong to them.

These losers just want to be cool so bad. I’m sure most people don’t think of “Entourage reboot” when they think of what they want from their elected officials, but these dork ass losers are 100% concerned with being seen as cool, hip, and/or funny. They’re almost all failed comedians, scriptwriters, or actors, trying

I am so relieved! I knew Vance was a douchebag, but I had the fear that he's (at least commonplace-)intelligent. I am relieved to find out that he is a moron. His IQ cannot be more than 80 and he will be his own undoing.

That’s as close as he’s going to get to it.

God these people are insufferable. My favorite is how they want every woman in America who is of birthing age to be a tradwife or dead.

“Hey Kamala - how are the couches in there?”

What a fucking weirdo.