
I’m starting to think it was subcontracted out to the Cybertruck team

If all this Tolerance keeps up, there won’t be any place left for assholes!

<takes notes> add cupcake icing to shopping list for Saturday’s brisket.

Haven’t you heard? Declaring personal opinions as fact is objectively the best thing a person can possibly do to win an argument.

The Mach-E is dated?  How?  I think they still look pretty good...

Stop doing this “Company loses $X on every unit it sells” nonsense. It’s misleading and sensationalized. Ford, and most companies (Even Nissan, allegedly!) spend money developing new products. They spend that money in anticipation of future sales. Dividing total development cost (already paid up front) by the first

Oh, the arrogance of this post! LOL. To the locals, you’re a tourist just like all the others and I promise you’re not any better or less obtrusive than the caricature you’ve invented in your head of those “other” visitors.

My wife and I travel a lot. In our 50s we still backpack and hostel.

I would like to see the cars crushed into small cubes and shoved up the asses of the MAGAts that they were taken from.

Or some cashier kept saying they could and then laughed as they all got towed away.

I am so fucking tired of these assholes desecrating our flag.

It was almost certainly some other MAGA drone who assumed he could park there and told others. The herd instinct with that crowd is very strong. 

“Something very fishy [is] going on here, because I’ve never seen anything like this happen before,” one man said.

Good. Fuck em.

Who are bigger dirt bags? Mercenary tow truck drivers or MAGA idiots?

Good. Actions should have consequences. Now let’s arrest, try and punish Trump and the thousands of his insurrectionist co-conspirators in and outside of government.

sure they do, champ

Trump and Musk are fascists, racists, misogynists, and trans/homophobe. If you buy a Tesla and thus support them financially, that makes you a fascist, racist, misogynist, and trans/homophobe. It’s just that simple.

It is nice to see a billionaire face some consequences for his actions.
Nowhere near enough, but at least people are actively voting with their wallets against that goon.

But it doesn’t matter, right? Because Tesla, the company that built giant factories around the world to sell millions of cars for decades to come, isn’t a car company any more, right?