
Agenda? Yes

According to a report from Fortune he has completely backtracked on that commitment.

So he’s basically saying they don’t need to sell cars at all to be successful because they’re not a car company... and why would anyone buy a car from them at this point????

And Mexico to send a check for the big beautiful border wall he definitely finished building.

You are saying, in other words, that Democrats know how government works, and know how to get legislation through the wickets. Meanwhile, Republicans have lost this ability and have only ideas, but no ability to get them to the chamber floor. To this, I say you are absolutely correct.

the resulting impact on Tesla car sales was not crucial because Tesla is an artificial intelligence company focused on self-driving technology.

Lance Armstrong’s biggest problem was Lance Armstrong. He was a vindictive asshole. IF lance had not threatened other teammates like he did, if he’d been a nice guy instead of the giant asshole he was, if he’d just ignored Greg LeMond instead of teasing him and (probably) getting trek to spike the lemond brand, if he

So killing all tax credits, subsidies, special favors, etc to the oil industry is also on the table?

Can we just edit that headline to correctly read “Trump Presidency will be bad for everyone”?

That Shkreli-like smirk on Donald The Felon’s face:

Trump has not explained the plan in detail.


Note that the income limit is $300,000 Married filing Jointly. So...

So could the secret service decide that maybe based on a recent attempt on his life to relocate a former presidents somewhere, like Elba or Guantanamo Bay ?

Dammit. I thought I fixed that mistake before anyone noticed.

Everyone needs to vote this year like they want the opportunity to vote ever again in the future.

I’m still amazed that American Hitler, a constantly lying severely mentally ill criminal who tried to steal the presidency, is basically tied in the polls with Biden. And considering how Biden has been a prez getting FDR-levels of legislation passed, how news-ish orgs have given him grief for weeks over his gaffes

So, the “owner” of an EV manufacturer is giving millions to a presidential candidate who wants to end the “EV mandate”.

Elon Mush is a fucking POS and you should never give him any of your hard earned money.

1st gear. Good, the faster Tesla realizes that Musk’s way of doing things is no longer going to be profitable for them, the better. Get rid of Musk and resume innovation instead of fluffing a man-child’s ego and maybe they can stay relevant.