
Yes, but have you done that on a couch on the ocean...=)

I enjoyed the first season of Clarkson’s farm, but then his public assholery became too much for me. I refuse to watch anything else he’s in. Richard Hammond’s solo efforts don’t do anything for me. James May’s stuff, particularly the Our Man In... series, are really enjoyable.

FUCK elon mush, he’s a fucking POS. 

We get it.  You don’t like cruises.

Cruise ships aren’t that bad. Just get some friends and just lounge around all day and get fat from the 24hr pizza and ice cream...on second thought maybe they are that bad, but I had fond memories.

Yup, same thing that happened with the Jeep gladiator. Goofy-looking truck that had a ton of hype and preorders, tons of sales and registrations for the first couple quarters to catch up, then normalized from there.


Exactly. Even without pre orders, the IncEl Camino has only been out less than a year, and Tesla hasn’t been able to handle initial demand due to their own manufacturing ineptitude, so the sales are still very much in the brand new model honeymoon phase. Let’s see their numbers compared in a year or so. 

1st gear: “in other news, the latest movie blockbuster that hit theaters this weekend outsold the blockbuster that hit theaters 3 months ago!”

Nuances aside, it should say “...more units than Ford’s F-150 Lightning”. There’s no way the entire F-150 lineup was outsold by the Cybertruck.

Tesla’s new flagship electric truck, which finally began hitting the highway at the end of 2023, sold more units than Ford’s F-150 last month

1st Gear: Just further proof that Americans are the dumbest fucking people on the face of the planet.

There are not “two clowns” running. One is a well-intentioned old guy. The other is a narcissistic, evil, fascist, traitorous, old-guy. Know the difference. 

Assuming half of cars annually sold in the U.S. qualify for half the max subsidy, we’re talking some $25 billion a year in government giveaways. Must be nice to be running such a big surplus we can afford to subsidize the purchase of cars that consumers were likely to buy anyway.

Does this mean they will get rid of oil and gas subsidies?  Somehow, i don't think so.

That math will REALLY vary depending on what you’re comparing it to.
My last car got 17mpg and took premium gas (volvo S60R). In 2019 I was going to replace it with a Kia Stinger GT2 which would have gotten around 20mpg and still likely needed premium. When I realized the Stinger was going to cost me over $50k, I

I don’t care if you’re stupid or just a liar. We have had nearly a decade of Trump’s lies, sedition and terror. The Republican Party has willingly joined his criminality. If you can’t see and acknowledge the fact of Trump’s sedition and criminal actions, you are a part of the deranged, determined and deadly minority

Now if anyone could figure out Elon Musk’s motivations for personally pushing climate denialist and electric car opponent Vance ever closer to second-in-line for the presidency, and committing $45 million per month to the cause, the story might get even more interesting.

So much for small government and letting the free market sort things out, right??

As if $700 monthly payments on ICE SUVs isn’t a thing...