
Clarence Thomas is a bribe taking criminal. We still don’t know how involved he is with the Trump’s January 6th coup plot.

See I was thinking Ford Capri Sun just because of the color.

Well they definitely aren't fixing something that's not broken, I can guarantee you that. 

You can’t be that dumb. The clear issue here is not that they’re fixing it. It’s that they’re not admitting it’s broken to begin with.

Yeah, they are spending thousands per CyberTurd to improve the “efficiency” for the owners out of the goodness of their hearts. Sure they are... I’m rarely one for conspiracy theories, but this had to be something *bad* that they don’t want to end up as a public recall.

Pretty sure only founders editions have been sold so far so... yea that would make sense. 

Most malpractice suits are primarily aimed at the doctor, unless the hospital was negligent in hiring someone who is clearly dangerous/incompetent.

It’s common law for employers to be held responsible for the negligent conduct of their employees while working. If they weren’t no business would ever be held liable for anything negligent that happens because only the specific employee would be. Based on your rationale, if the business isn’t negligent for the

Where, at any point in this piece, did I say I was mad?

No idea how NFL cable works anymore. Stopped watching years ago and haven’t really looked back. This last Super Bowl was the first one I watched in a long time and I couldn’t figure out what was going on with the lack of kick returns before someone told me they changed the rule on it. Looks like NFL is spread all over

For comparison, Ford’s reported 2021 R&D budget was a little over 8 billion USD. Toyota and GM spend about 10 billion a year. Musk’s bonus is almost enough to conduct 2 full years of research and development for all 3 of America’s biggest selling auto makers. And those budgets include things not even related to cars,

No we live in a world where they voted to pay him $56 billion dollars AFTER:

So Autosport lied when it said Prema had illegal parts in 2016? Okay.

You should be banned for this comment. In general, people who threaten to leave a website should have their words taken seriously by having their accounts instabanned, since they either have no reason to retain the use of that account or are lying (which should be reason enough to ban them). The fundamental problem

Excuse me, I have a BMW and a Honda, too.

First of all, it’s a clapped 996 Turbo.

Anyways, this will be my last time on the Jalopnik site because of this.

I guess Bradley’s dad should by him a team. Just like Lance.

I see. Kindly post your racing bonafides so we can judge the merits of your commentary as well.

Did George Russell’s father buy an F3 team for him to race in and make sure there were illegal parts on his spec chassis?