
I get your sentiment and general hate against all things Chinese at this point, but rockets/rocket parts failing aren’t exactly out of the norm...

That sucks and all, but Toxic Rocket Drop sounds like a really sick skate trick.

My point is that it’s not a case of that. Each additional car sold likely reduces their loss, meaning they do actually make money when they sell a car. They are just digging out of a big hole. 

Was curious about this too and found this on Motor Trend:

$5 bet there is spy tech in that cabin that feeds back to a Korean translator sitting in Moscow. 

This has to be about the most desperate thing ever. At this point Russia is getting close to running out of tanks. 1/4 of their navy is now at the bottom of the sea. And so now Putin is begging North Korea, who still has over 200 WW2 era Soviet tanks in its army for ammunition. All this does is make he and Russia look

Oh for a couple of those “switchblade” Hellfire missiles. Would solve so many of the world’s problems.

There’s at least ONE Supreme Court Justice jealous about NOT having to file a disclosure to the public on this gift.

The smartest thing the oil companies ever did was to invent the term “Carbon Footprint” and shift the pollution blame to individuals.

He said, without irony.

I don’t see a walking back or an apology or an admission that he was wrong. I see him obfuscating and trying to pretend he didn’t say the thing everyone saw and heard him say. In addition to telling advertisers to go fuck themselves, repeatedly, he also stated that advertisers NOT advertising on his platform were

I’ve always believed any company deemed too big to fail should be nationalized.

I’m pretty left leaning, but yeah this place is way too much. Nothing is about cars anymore. Only one writer seems to have any real enthusiast ideals. It’s about getting cars out of the city, making fun of musk(rightfully) even though he is the EV overlord(for now).

Why do you have a problem with exposing pedos?  

keep clicking and commenting to ensure these stories you hate get lots of positive reinforcement.

It’s an article about a car. Owned by a dude famous for “driving” cars in bad movies. And famous for owning a racing team. And famous for dying in a famous car. I’m not sure why this article feels so out of place for you on an automotive blog. Just because it speaks about how he was also famous for having a preference

How far back you going cause some of the articles written about Walker touching girls go back to 2018. Give it some time, maybe a decade of bitching at the sky will make the world change.

I find it hilarious that, as her eyes went in different directions, so did her boobs

Exactly. Quality costs more because it’s worth it. Wasn’t it one of the Click and Clack guys who would always say “it the cheap guy that pays the most”? Sadly in this case it’s not just paying in repairs, bad PR, loss of reputation, and compromises safety, it may also be cost in lives (and lawsuits). 

I was going to say game recognizes game from one conman to another.