
Are there laws against holding someone hostage under threat of losing their visa right after their job?

Jamie Dimon, is that you? Are you punking me?

I think you just made my point... can’t tell if that was your intention...

it’s FSD  Full Self Destruction

It's that or when he decided to call that rescue diver a pedophile when the dive team didn't want his weird, homebrew submarine because it definitely wouldn't work.

Someone probably rejected Musk’s offer of sperm.

I want Elon to fail. I don’t want Tesla to fail.

While it is absolutely normal, a) the fact that a company is willing to wholesale cut dedicated workers loose at the drop of a hat *shouldn’t be normal*, and is part of the problem with late-stage capitalism, and b) if the goal, as often stated by Elon, is to have “hardcore”, undyingly dedicated employees, this is the

See, the executives who just went out and fired a thousand random people on day one, regardless of their actual contributions to the company, those are the hardcore executives who deserve to be rewarded.

For some reason I can’t help but rooting for Tesla to fail.  I know, I know.  That’s not very nice.  What can I say, I just hate this fucking prick.

I typed essentially the same comment. It is truly baffling and aside from ultimately hurting the financials of the company, it will also deter talented people from wanting to work for such an unpredictable and illogical CEO.

Musky like most other billionaires is a deadbeat.

It’s almost like he wants to revise his statement from “Tesla is not a car company” to “Tesla is not a company.”

Every time I read of Elon wanting “hard core” people at his companies, I get the feeling it’s code talk for “I want groveling slaves putting in 25 hours a day/8 days a week” for me.  Anyone who goes to work at an Elon company must be a masochist.

Worked for Twitter

The scary thing is that he actually thinks that way.  When he took over Twitter, one of his first cost-saving measures was to simply stop paying rent on all the company’s office spaces.

He can do it all himself! He doesn’t need anyone to help him. That way he can really earn that $56B he keeps asking for.

“Hopefully these actions are making it clear that we need to be absolutely hard core about headcount and cost reduction,” Musk wrote in the email, the report said. “While some on exec staff are taking this seriously, most are not yet doing so.”

Dear Elmo,

If I lay off everyone, I won’t have to pay any salaries at all.