
Pinto: 27 deaths

To be fair, it seems like it doesn’t recognize the broadside of a semi either...

If he’s a sovereign, just declare war on the fucker and end it.

which traced the vehicle to Rodgers’ home in Costa Mesa and had it under surveillance all morning.

What other alternative was there? Tow it? Boot it? Knock on the door of the house?

I guess at least he knows the police have their fingers on the trigger? But then again, that knowledge could force a man into a panic-induced, life-ruining (ending?) knee-jerk mistake.

It’s the baby of 80's Springsteen mating with late 90's Mellencamp.

The kind of flair and the kind of hair Elon can only ever dream of achieving.

Totally cool, totally sustainable.  

My question is, “How the actual fuck are those records not digitized in the year of our Lord TWO THOUSAND AND TWENTY FUCKING FOUR?!?!”

Sadly, not the first time I’ve heard this. Way back when Boston was going DEFCON over every stupid thing because Aqua Teen Hunger Force left a LiteBrite out as an advertisement, an MIT student went to the airport to pick up a friend. She had a light-up shirt, one of those shirts with little LEDs that look like a

If the car was parked at a house, why didn’t they approach him there instead of when he’s already on the highway...especially if they’re assuming he’s so dangerous???

They are cowards. Thankfully no acorn fell on a car roof or this guy could have had 400 rounds fired at him - 20 per cop, then reload and fire out again. 

Seems like they could have just knocked on the door and asked him about the car. But, that’s no fun when you can have a freeway chase scene.

Go after the cops too. I would want to expose their fake reasons for assuming he was armed, and shine a light on them to see what other questionable tactics they have used. Could expose another “goon squad”. 

“You are considered armed and dangerous. Do exactly as I say or you could be shot.”

The report caught the attention of the Orange County Auto Theft Task Force, which traced the vehicle to Rodgers’ home in Costa Mesa and had it under surveillance all morning.”

And a dozen cops for a single stolen car ? 

I hope Rogers gets a huge win in that lawsuit and a precedent is set for other dealers to do a better job.

Elon is a fucking POS and you shouldn’t give him any of your hard earned money.