
It’s genuinely incredible to watch the chaos that ensues when the person in charge of a massive company has the attention span of a mayfly. Just one unconsidered, knee-jerk reaction after another.

Nobody deserves that much money for anything.

Maybe he should try selling bibles or shoes too?

Sounds like the time for a 94% tax bracket like we had in the 40s

Maybe someone should start another website called, oh I don’t know, encouraging shareholders to join together and remove the muskrat from the company. Saving $55B, and potentially turning around the company all in one fell swoop.

“Almost like deprogramming a cult member.”

American cars and now more European cars.

This is telling us the early-adopter era of EVs is pretty much over, and the next batch of consumers isn’t so sure about the tech

Can we stop it with these constant inflammatory stories?  Is someone from ALEC or some other oil company sponsored think tank writing them?  You’re creating FUD.

Sorry but you don’t get to play the “I’m trying to have a discussion” card and act all high and mighty when the fist thing you said in this thread was:

People don’t want or need art? Ok bud sure we’ll take your word for it.

Hey fucking bootlicking moron


People go to school and spend their lives training to become artists. With digital art it was still humans creating it. Having their work replaced by generative garbage like this is an insult. This will only lead to more people struggling to find work and make a living.

because of FREEDOM, thats why

Imagine simping for AI art and thinking you aren’t a massive cunt.

Spoken as someone who does not understand art or technology.

Side hustle? How much does it cost to permit and build a car wash?

Crazy though that a car from 40 years ago employing the same problematic material looks so much better. They actually look finished and tight. Just needed another 200 HP (+/- 16,240,000 HP for time travel).

Jet exhaust doesn’t harm the ozone layer.