
I think that’s it. Admitting being wrong is weakness to them and weakness is even worse than being wrong. So they double down.

I heard someone say a similar thing about Kaepernick kneeling. “Why doesn’t he do that on his own time?” If your goal is to make some sort of point, it’s best to do it when there’s exposure, as opposed to say standing on a street corner.

You only need to look at how the mainstream media outlets are tripping all over themselves to handwave away Trump’s insurrection after the Colorado Supreme Court ruled he could not appear on the primary ballot to know...The people in charge want him back. And if he comes back, we can probably kick actual elections out

Yeah, since when has media ever been political??

Is it just me, or does anyone else find these road side memorials kind of creepy?   I get that a tragedy happened in that location, but putting things along side of the road where it happens is just odd to me.

A lot of stories today about people doing stupid and reckless things with cars.

Ah, yes, not being incompetent and a fraudster, con-man, and fascist = “far-left loon”.

That’s what you got out of the video?

I can only imagine the room you’re sitting in as you type this. I can imagine the smell, considering my family had several nasty hoarders. You know you can do better, but you refuse to. You think it’s good enough, and that you’re focusing on the more important stuff, like DC-area pizza basements.

“buy it physically” is a very weird take for “I want to rent a movie” which 99% of the time you’ll watch one time. “Just rent it” is probably the right answer. 

No billionaire will ever fuck you. They don’t even know you’re alive, chief.

The fact that “Last Christmas” by Wham! (or any bloody one else who covered it) is not on the top of this list, or on this list, shows how full of garbage it is.

I’m so pleased this is the first comment. 


Mind you, I’m kind of a grinch, so I’m not a big fan of many Christmas songs, but Paul McCartney’s “Wonderful Christmastime” tops the list of worst for me.  It is just the laziest damn song, a lot of the runtime eaten up just repeating “Simply having a wonderful Christmastime”.  It is just torture to listen to.

Get used to disappointment 

We don’t have to be active participants in your willful ignorance.

Well, it’s about truck payments, so it is automotive.


Muddying the waters for low-information angry voters to feel ok voting for autocratic Christo-fascism and thinking that “both side are equally bad” crap fueled by the for profit media.