
Loaner car availability depends on the dealership. I have a ‘22 4xe. You can read volumes on issues that these have had. One local dealership has loaners available in theory, but in practice it’s a weeks long waiting list and they may or may not bother calling you when one is available. If a loaner is available,

All CR’s ratings do is give odds. Doesn’t mean your particular car will be unreliable or reliable.

There’s nothing wrong with The Marvels other than people are tired of the MCU. When it was one movie a year or every other year? People were all about that. When you have to watch two movies a year plus 3 different TV shows to keep current, people tuned out. Especially because they’re moving onto smaller and lesser

Dealers have had to pony up for special tooling to be able to sell certain cars for decades. You couldn’t be a Hellcat dealer without spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on tooling and training. Same with the Crossfire. Same with Honda Type Rs. Same with MazdaSpeed. Ad infinitum. Electric cars are coming.

To be fair she is, or likely her money manager IS being smart, 100% of her appeal is based on her looks, which doesn’t last, so diversifying into other business ventures is a very smart thing to do.

That was my experience too. The game was... ok? But the narrative and the characters are great. The game is a masterpiece, but not for its gameplay. I turned difficulty all the way down and just enjoyed the story. Did the same with the (equally rote, but fun story-wise) Uncharted series.

No, you’re literally regurgitating the exact propaganda talking-points in question.

Equating the state of Israel with Judaism itself is one of the greatest accomplishments the Israeli far right ever pulled off, even though it’s actually anti-Semitic in itself.

You cannot be anti-semitic towards a country, towards a governing body. A country cannot be a practicing or observing religious member, or an ethic member.

The greatest propaganda achievement in modern history is how Zionists in Israel convinced the world that any criticism towards the extremist right-wing government in Israel is “anti-semitism”.

I’ve only played a third or so of the first game, and I wasn’t impressed. I’m sure the narrative is great or whatever, but the gameplay itself is pretty rote. I felt like I was being pranked when I first played it. After sitting through seemingly an hour of poorly paced cutscene, I finally get to play, and it’s just a

You must have a template for these kind of articles by now, simply to save time:

But if it holds “no interest”... why did you click on it? Why did you comment? The drama obviously interests you even if you have zero investment in the outcome.

I find your essay about how you don’t care a little short.

Come on guys, obviously pandering to the nazi crowd is going to bring in all that lost Disney, Apple, Paramount and Lionsgate revenue and more. And hey, if you pay for premium you don’t have to see any ads anyway!

And yet Gizmodo published an article two hours ago promoting the next SpaceX launch.

 LOLing at the troll in the greys who thinks he's being censored just because nobody's interested in his antisemitic bullshit. Whine harder for us. 

Tesla investors are part of the problem. They allowed the clown to become out of control when they valued Tesla at more than every other big car maker combined. They all deserve to fumble the bag. 

“Apple also took action over Musk’s tweets by pausing ads on X, Axios reported Friday.”

Stop with the “pausing”, cancel it once and for all.
This whole schtick with stopping the support very publicly and then quietly start supporting it again, that companies so often do, is becoming ridiculous.

Do or don’t, but stop

Like a good neighbor?
Like a good neighbor?
Like a good neighbor?
Like a good neighbor?
Like a good neighbor?