
“I’ve never seen women habitually shout those judgements at men who are just walking down the street, or sidle up to a man in the (supermarket/bus/lift/ every other goddamn place) to tell him unprompted what they want to do to his body, or claim they’re too disgusted by his body to do those things.

Because girls are nice. They don’t give a fuck because we see people for who they are!”

If you’re muscular, cool. If you’re not, cool. If you’re rail thin, cool. If you have a dad bod, cool. If you’re pudgy, love it! Everybody’s happy with it.”

I definitely don’t think that the ‘women don’t judge men’s bodies’ thing is true in any way. 

“Nobody ever says a thing about men’s bodies. If you’re muscular, cool. If you’re not, cool. If you’re rail thin, cool. If you have a dad bod, cool. If you’re pudgy, love it! Everybody’s happy with it. You know why? Because girls are nice. They don’t give a fuck because we see people for who they are!”

Boo hoo. Las Vegas exists exactly because of nonsense like this, designed to extract money from tourists. Everyone that lives there IS THERE because of that fact and knows it. It’s not a city, it’s a venue. Locals whining about it is hypocritical. Tourists whining about it (and their non-F1 related vacations being

>Publishers are seeing yearly profits rise 4-5 times the rate of inflation.

im not saying i like it, nor am in favor of it. just pointing out that gaming is a business beholden to all the ugliness of late stage capitalism.

a skin whipped up in a few weeks tells me you’re likely an indie dev and not AAA. Because “a few weeks” might be right for first art pass, but ignores all of the QA, animation tests, certification. most premium skins are more months than weeks of work accross many people.

Corporate greed is a funny way of shifting

inflation. its less the skins are expensive and more that games have not risen in prices relative to everything else in the world so this is how companies keep up.

Sonic 1 on the genesis cost 78 dollars in 1991 which is 181 dollars in 2023.

PS1 games cost 40 dollars in 1995, which is 82 dollars in 2023 money

She’s already a UNICEF ambassador. I get that it’s basically just PR, but still probably accomplishing more than most of her critics.

Yup, when you are involved in some story about a 10 year old getting raped ... and you are such an asshole that the literal rapist doesn’t come out looking like the worst human being involved ... you have screwed up royally.

Hopefully this gives Dr Bernard grounds for a lawsuit

As a result of the ruling, Rokita will receive a public reprimand and a $250 fine.

“to cancel your vote because they hate the fact I stand up for liberty.”

Ah yes the liberty by which you mean oppressing other’s healthcare decisions that go against yours, not their, religious belief. Got it.

Great news. Rokita managed to be such a gigantic asshole in a story involving literal child rape that his will be the name remembered from all of this.

I’m just glad that Elon Musk is laser focused on Tesla, and not distracted by other ridiculous, un-related side-projects so that he can help put the company back on track.

All I see is you HAVE to be out of your effing mind, a true glutton for punishment, to be in Vegas for this fustercluck.

If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy.”
David Frum

I thought the same thing, but then I asked myself "why are they trying so hard to stop voters if it truly doesn't count?" The "our votes don't count" mentality is the rumor that spreads like wildfire. I wonder who pushes that idea into our brain space.