
This mother Teresa rebrand for Britney is astounding to me LMAO. Britney and Justin are both cheaters, both privileged pretty white kids profiting off of Black culture when it was most convenient, both probably crappy people behind the scenes, both screwed over by powerful white men (please don’t forget how badly Lou

Quite the overkill device to make the occasional pool pass or garage parking card tho.

Ah yes, let’s all go to the tech blog for people on starvation wages. I am sure the gadgets being discussed will be fascinating.

Oh, look. Another both sides dipshit. Yes, there are so many “extremist” Democrats. People who want things like higher taxes on the rich, action on climate change, and universal healthcare. So EXTREME!

... and everything surrounding Seattle.  And Portland.

Who is it?

Johnson is a fascist religious extremist, and you can fuck right off with your lies about AOC.

Good. I’m glad they didn’t put some milquetoast wannabe centrist out there. This is what the Republican party is right now. And the whole country can see it, and decide if that’s what they want to support. No more hiding behind small business/low taxes/family values bullshit anymore. Trump exposed you all, and you can

What about AOC is “extremist?” Voting down strikes and siding with republicans on Israel? lol

I have some bad news for you about everything surrounding Austin.

Translation: “I just want everyone to be quiet about politics like they were when I was a kid so I can pretend everything is okay!!!”

What policy positions make AOC an “extremist”? I can’t wait for your no-doubt well-informed, carefully-considered response.

A Southern state with high levels of poverty and massive race-based inequality? Don’t take the one Democratic location - New Orleans (voted 83% Democrat in Orleans country in 2020 election) - as representative of the rest of the state. 

If the DOJ had performed their sworn duty and arrested the treasonous insurrectionists leading the Republican Party, this wouldn’t have happened.

Sorry, the rest of us never signed it.

“ at the moment we are ending development of an affordable EV ... GM and Honda will search for a solution separately. This project itself has been canceled.”

I remember work the day after the election, and the uncomfortable silence was noticeable, even in the hallways (I was living in a liberal part of Pennsylvania at the time, so I think the sense of shame was especially strong).

Those days didn’t exist. The guy was selling indulgences before he even took office.

Hopefully that was the last time anyone gave a shit for that frothy little gnome. I still wouldn’t piss on Sean Spicer if he was on fire to this day.

Hollywood is not aligned with any ideology other than the one that maximizes profitability.